Every year, Anna's extended family helps bring apple harvest in, and so far she hasn't been able to fill a whole bin herself. Now, she's determined to do it, and, sure enough, she reaches her goal. This quiet story is a celebration of family and community: taking time off from work and school, everyone turns out to pick the fruit before it spoils. The text conveys the rhythm of the day early-morning enthusiasm, dancing to the radio at lunchtime, and afternoon combat with the sharp sun and weariness. The sense of bustle and labor, as well as Anna's determination and satisfaction, are effectively portrayed in Ray's slightly impressionistic, watercolor-and-acrylic paintings. Especially pleasing are the use of light and shadow to mark the changes of the day. Whit spaces frame the pictures and contribute to the book's quiet mood....This offering will give a good picture of how kids help bring in the harvest .
Apple Picking Time [平装] [3岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Apple Picking Time [平装] [3岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书扬之水初识于探访福建窑址的路途中。沿途聊些身边人物,考古故事。感觉她为人真挚,博闻,好问,图画得好,笔记精徽。回来发现她写作速度惊人,每次见面送给我一叠新作,说的都是古人生活中的寻常物用,文字间流露出一种纯粹的古典韵味,淡雅,深致。后来她让我为她的新文集作序,理由是,每篇都认真读过了,而且能坦率的表达自己的看法。这是作研究生常从老师那里听到的话,但从没听说是写序的理由。我珍惜这份浓厚的友情,也知道她是一个性格坚决的人,就答应下来这件自知不可能做好的事情。 书里的篇章考证古诗文名物,内容从先秦到明清,而多宋人故事,或从文到物
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