Staring unflinchingly into the abyss of slavery, this spellbinding novel transforms history into a story as powerful as Exodus and as intimate as a lullaby. Sethe, its protagonist, was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has too many memories of Sweet Home, the beautiful farm where so many hideous things happened. And Sethe’s new home is haunted by the ghost of her baby, who died nameless and whose tombstone is engraved with a single word: Beloved. Filled with bitter poetry and suspense as taut as a rope, Beloved is a towering achievement.
Toni Morrison has been called "black America's best novelist," and her incredible string of imaginative contemporary classics would suggest that she is actually one of America's best novelists regardless of race. Be that as it may, it is indeed difficult to disconnect Morrison's work from racial issues, as they lie at the heart of her most enduring novels.
Growing up in Lorain, Ohio, a milieu Jet magazine described as "mixed and sometimes hostile," Morrison experienced racism firsthand. (When she was still a toddler, her home was set on fire with her family inside.) Yet, her father instilled in her a great sense of dignity, a cultural pride that would permeate her writing. She distinguished herself in school, graduating from Howard and Cornell Universities with bachelor's and master's degrees in English; in addition to her career as a writer, she has taught at several colleges and universities, lectured widely, and worked in publishing.
Morrison made her literary debut in 1970 with The Bluest Eye, the story of a lonely 11-year-old black girl who prays that God will turn her eyes blue, in the naïve belief that this transformation will change her miserable life. As the tale unfolds, her life does change, but in ways almost too tragic and devastating to contemplate. On its publication, the book received mixed reviews; but John Leonard of The New York Times recognized the brilliance of Morrison's writing, describing her prose as "...so precise, so faithful to speech and so charged with pain and wonder that the novel becomes poetry."
Over time, Morrison's talent became self-evident, and her reputation grew with each successive book. Her second novel, Sula, was nominated for a National Book Award; her third, 1977's Song of Solomon, established her as a true literary force. Shot through with the mythology and African-American folklore that informed Morrison's childhood in Ohio, this contemporary folktale is notable for its blending of supernatural and realistic elements. It was reviewed rapturously and went on win a National Book Critics Circle Award.
托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison,1931~)美国黑人女作家。生于俄亥俄州钢城洛里恩,父亲是蓝领工人, 母亲在白人家帮佣。1949 年她以优异成绩考入当时专为黑人开设的霍华德大学,攻读英语和古典文学。
《最蓝的眼睛》(The Bluest Eye1970)
《所罗门之歌》(Song of Solomon,1977)
《柏油娃娃》(Tar Baby,1981)
《爵士乐》(Jazz (1992)
《恩惠》(A Mercy,2008)
《家园》(Home, 2012)
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Beloved宠儿 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书原版书虽贵但质量很好,还没看先买来囤着
评分不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢! 不知道为什么现在要发500字才可以获得积分奖励,难道我每一本书都要看完之后再来评论吗?对于我这种小说控,遇到活动就买一堆书的人来说,这个实在不太现实。怪不得现在京东图书的评价大家都稀里糊涂乱写一气,篇幅好长,结果啥内容没有,复制一遍又一遍,毫无技术可言。这个要求跟让我写篇读书笔记有啥区别啊?从小写到大,买书评论为了点积分还让我写读书笔记?本来这个要求的出发点倒是挺好的,可是结果如此不伦不类,有本事,你人工给积分啊?系统啥都不识别,有用没用的都乱涂一气。我写个读书笔记交给老师,好歹老师还给个评论吧,不是一句话,起码也是一个“优”字啊!现在倒好,我想买书都要翻不翻评论都是一个效果,写的少的没啥参考性,写得多的一样没啥参考性,结果害我翻评论,鼠标的滚轮真的要“滚”好久!!!没办法,我也要开始长篇累牍了,写了这么多我都不知道我的重点是啥,好吧,我就是来纯吐槽的!当然,现在用积分换券没多大用处了,因为我发现这几个月来jd一直在做图书活动,一波接着一波,300-100,400-150,150-50,现在又是300-100.看来以后买书,我也得先收藏囤着一起买了,单买不划算啊!最后再说几句,我也不知道我会说几句,简而言之就是说到字数够了为止!好吧,就剩一句了:书还没看,谢谢!
Beloved宠儿 英文原版 [平装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2024