"Henry James' great theme is the collision of cultures, of New World American energy encountering Old World European aristocracy; and his supreme skill is in the delineation of the unspoken subtleties that govern human interaction-- the meanings behind people's words, the delicate signals by which people communicate more than the conventions of conversation or society allow."
--Amazon.co.uk Review
"The American is built around a moral dilemma that dramatises this clash of cultures. Wealthy, open-hearted Christopher Newman (the New Man in the Old World) visits Paris and falls in love with impoverished French aristocrat, Claire de Cintre. However, her snobbish family bully her into breaking off the engagement. When Newman discovers that his former fiancée's family are hiding a dark secret, corrupt Old World morals suggest he should use it to take his revenge; but his simpler American sense tells him that this would be wrong. What should he do? The fine touch with which James explores the complexities of this scenario markes an extraordinary advance over his first novel, Roderick Hudson; and The American looks forward to the mature classics of James' middle period, books like Daisy Miller and Portrai t of a Lady--all novels that explore the classic Jamesian theme of Americans in Europe."
--Adam Roberts
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The American 美國人 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書京東的快遞很給力,速度很快,希望價格更優惠些
評分20世紀初,詹姆斯接連發錶《鴿翼》、《使節》和《金碗》3部長篇小說,使他的創作達到高峰。在蘭登書屋(Random House)1996年評選的20世紀百佳英文小說中,詹姆斯就憑藉這三部小說榜上有名,且都排名靠前。這些小說大多頌揚美國資産階級高尚的品德。它們基本以人物微妙的內心活動為主,有時冗長煩瑣 ,並顯得晦澀難解。詹姆斯的作品還有《波士頓人》、《卡薩瑪西瑪公主》、《美國人》、《波英頓的珍藏品》等。除小說外,還寫過一些重要的文學評論以及劇本、遊記等。詹姆斯被譽為西方現代心理分析小說的開拓者。 既然買瞭書,就要好好看看。
評分評分 評分
評分 評分亨利·詹姆斯開創瞭心理分析小說的先河,他的筆下,齣現瞭仿佛是迷宮般的普通人的內心世界。在《鴿翼》(The Wings of the Dove,1902)中,他發掘瞭人物“最幽微,最朦朧”的思想和感覺,把“太空中跳動的脈搏”轉化成形象。
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