When Mario Puzo's blockbuster saga, The Godfather, was first published in 1969, critics hailed it as one of the greatest novels of our time, and "big, turbulent, highly entertaining." Since then, The Godfather has gone on to become a part of America's national culture, as well as a trilogy of landmark motion pictures. From the lavish opening scene where Don Corleone entertains guests and conducts business at his daughter's wedding...to his son, Michael, who takes his father's place to fight for his family...to the bloody climax where all family business is finished, The Godfather is an epic story of family, loyalty, and how "men of honor" live in their own world, and die by their own laws.
Mario Puzo was born on Manhattan’s West Side in the neighborhood known as Hell’s Kitchen. His first books, The Fortunate Pilgrim (“a minor classic” New York Times) and Dark Arena, brought him critical acclaim, but it was the publication of The Godfather in March 1969 that catapulted him into the front ranks of American authors. Reviewers hailed the book as “a staggering triumph” (Saturday Review), “big, turbulent, highly entertaining” (Newsweek), “remarkable” (Look), and “a voyeur’s dream, a skillful fantasy of violent personal power” (New York Times). Winning readers by the millions, it stayed at or near the top of the New York Times bestseller lists for sixty-nine weeks. His follow-up novel, Fools Die (1978), was hailed as the publishing event of the decade. Puzo’s last novel, Omerta, was finished shortly before his death in 1999.
Diehard Godfather fans play second banana to no other subculture in their obsession with the minutiae of Puzo's novel and Coppola's films. These dedicated fans will be most disappointed by the new audio version, although perhaps only an hour of material is missing, but casual aficionados will barely notice the abridgment. Missing are the subplot involving Sonny's mistress, Lucy Mancini, and Dr. William Kennedy and the descriptions of the regional Mafia chieftains that precede the commission meeting at which Don Corleone flushes out Don Barzini as his number one rival. Actor Joe Mantegna does a fine job throughout, largely resisting the temptation to put on voices for too many of the characters. However, this cannot be said for his Don Corleone. Perhaps it is vengeance: after all, Andy Garcia, as the late Don's nephew, Vincent Mancini, put the hit on Mantegna's Joey Zasa in Godfather III, but whatever the reason, Mantegna gives Corleone a raspy falsetto-imagine the Pillsbury Doughboy with a tracheotomy-that ranks as one of the worst Brando impressions ever. Also, Puzo's chilling ending in which Kay converts to Catholicism with the hope of saving her husband's soul is inexplicably transformed into a chamber-of-commerce-style bromide about the family's new life in Nevada. Still, the popularity of Puzo's novel 27 years after its publication makes this abridgment a must-have.
--Adam Mazmanian, "Library Journal"
"You can't stop reading it."
-- New York magazine
"A staggering triumph."
-- The Saturday Review
The Godfather教父 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
經典著作,男人必讀,教父。《教父》是每個男人這輩子最應該讀的書,假如你想成為一個男子漢的話。 這本書裏有你--一個男人想知道的一切,怎樣做領袖,怎樣對待傢人,怎樣對待敵人和朋友,怎樣戰鬥和徵服,怎樣洞察人性。還有怎樣對待女人。這真是一部男人的寶典,你可以隨時嚮它請教某個問題的答案,永遠不會令你失望。我建議每個男人必備,很上算。 一個男人要經過多少風雨纔算得上男子漢? 在他上過戰場,殺過人,和女人上床之後,就象羅馬人那樣為權力和情欲著迷。地中海陽光照耀下的西西裏彰顯著人性中最壯烈和殘酷的一麵,在那樣一個剛勁豪放的小島上長大的人,勢必比世界上任何地方的男人都早熟,更早的體驗到人生的殘酷和人性的復雜易變,一方水土養一方人,那樣的窮山惡水自然養育瞭那些酷烈的男人。他們長著阿爾帕西諾的黑眼睛,深色的頭發,橄欖色的肌膚,身上充滿瞭成熟野性的魅力。就象杜班嘉納的時裝。這不是來自米蘭的北方紳士,而是真正羅馬人的後裔。 教父的每一句話都象是聖經中的箴言,他的老練沉穩機智狡詐,他那齣其不意的報復,都顯示齣這是個地道的意大利人,精於人性和籌謀。假如我是一個可以嚮他請求復仇的人,我也會用後半生的恐懼來換取刹那的復仇之樂。這也是一個老派男人,他說一個男人不結婚就成不瞭男子漢,他所做的一切與其說是因為命運,還不如說是為瞭養傢糊口。在為傢庭而戰的過程中,他由一個可憐的移民變成瞭一個帝王。為瞭錢包裏的幾十塊錢殺瞭小混混,換瞭其它人就忍瞭,但是維托科裏奧尼是不會屈從的,因為彆人都低下瞭頭,所以他這個唯一說不的就成瞭王,當然這需要冒險,而這恰恰不是每個男人都敢於做的。這裏麵沒有什麼傳奇,隻有生存的勇氣。連他本人都沒有想到這個結果,這就是命運吧。 我喜歡帕西諾,他的黑眼睛能徵服人。所以我就更喜歡邁剋,一個更具有男人魅力的黑手黨。他的命運似乎是不可以選擇的,他注定要成為傢族的領袖而不是和自己的美國女友去過平靜的生活,在他的骨子裏依然流淌著西西裏人強烈的復仇意識和傢族榮譽觀念,在警察打瞭他的臉之後,那隱藏已久的復仇的血液終於沸騰瞭,達特茅斯終於不敵西西裏。他服從瞭命運,傢族,父親,在試圖躲避追殺心愛的女人被炸死,聽到瞭駭人聽聞的焚燒嬰兒的故事以後,你還指望象普通人一樣過日子嗎/真實的世界一但在你麵前赤裸裸的顯現,你還能相信什麼呢?他不再幻想瞭,遵從瞭他一直試圖逃避的命運。一個男人隻有一個命運。你是逃不掉的。 書中唯一有頭腦的女人似乎是老科裏奧尼太太,因為她完全聽從命運,完全放棄瞭女人徒勞的掙紮,隻在在宗教中尋求解脫,因為她知道世界是男人的,她最明智的選擇就是服從和沉默。凱的錯誤就是她用女人的眼光去看待男人和他的世界,那是絕對錯誤和注定痛苦的,所以她的教養和知識隻能讓她痛苦。在這個沒有道理可言的世界上,放棄判斷力是聰明的。假如你愛一個男人,就彆過問他在外麵的事情,因為假如你看到瞭會瘋掉,你隻認識走進傢裏的他好瞭,其餘的不是你該問的。拿破侖和希特勒都讓愚蠢和淺薄的女人做老婆,很聰明的選擇,因為女人最好沒有原則和頭腦。 讀讀它吧,男孩子們,總有一天你會感謝我的推薦。 就象女人的《傲慢與偏見》一樣,《教父》是每個男人這輩子最應該讀的書,假如你想成為一個男子漢的話。 這本書裏有你--一個男人想知道的一切,怎樣做領袖,怎樣對待傢人,怎樣對待敵人和朋友,怎樣戰鬥和徵服,怎樣洞察人性。還有怎樣對待女人。這真是一部男人的寶典,你可以隨時嚮它請教某個問題的答案,永遠不會令你失望。我建議每個男人必備,很上算。
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