A sumptuous large-format hardback containing sketches and paintings from the illustrated Lord of the Rings, together with brand new and previously unseen material. In this large-format hardback Alan Lee reveals in pictures and in words how he created the images in the authorised illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings. These images would prove so powerful, matching perfectly with Tolkien's own vision, that they would eventually define the look of Peter Jackson's movie trilogy and earn Alan a coveted Academy Award. The book is filled with over 150 of his sketches and early conceptual pieces to show how the project progressed from idea to finished art. It also contains 20 colour paintings reproduced in full-page glory, together with numerous examples of his conceptual art produced for the films and brand new pieces drawn specially for this book. It also includes an exclusive foreword written by Sir Ian McKellen. The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook provides a fascinating insight into the imagination of the man who painted Tolkien's vision, firstly onto the page and then in three dimensions on the cinema screen. It will also be of interest to many of the 100,000 people who have bought the illustrated Lord of the Rings as well as for budding artists and illustrators interested in unlocking the secrets of book illustration.
Alan Lee was born in Middlesex in 1947. His illustrated books include Faeries (with Brian Froud), Castles and Merlin Dreams, and has worked on such prestigious films as Erik the Viking (Terry Gilliam), Legend (Ridley Scott), and the acclaimed NBC miniseries Merlin. He is best known however for his work on the books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and now the film version.
'Alan Lee,s artwork has a beauty and lyricism about it. His art captured what I hoped to capture with the films.'
-- Peter Jackson
'Among the greatest works of imaginative fiction of the 20th century.'
-- Sunday Telegraph
'An extraordinarily imaginative work, part saga, part allegory, and wholly exciting.'
-- The Times
'A grand piece of work in both conception and execution.'
-- Daily Telegraph
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指環王》寫生簿 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指環王》寫生簿 [精裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
"[SM]和描述的一樣,好評! 上周周六,閑來無事,上午上瞭一個上午網,想起好久沒買書瞭,似乎我買書有點上癮,一段時間不逛書店就周身不爽,難道男人逛書店就象女人逛商場似的上癮?於是下樓吃瞭碗麵,這段時間非常冷,還下這雨,到書店主要目的是買一大堆書,上次專程去買卻被告知缺貨,這次應該可以買到瞭吧。可是到一樓的查詢處問,小姐卻說昨天剛到的一批又賣完瞭!暈!為什麼不多進點貨,於是上京東挑選書。好瞭,廢話不說。好瞭,我現在來說說這本書的觀感吧,一個人重要的是找到自己的腔調,不論說話還是寫字。腔調一旦確
正版 香港印刷的 還不錯 當初買時還以為是歐美印的呢 不過也不錯啦
Love reading, love Jing Dong!
Lord of the Rings Sketchbook 《指環王》寫生簿 [精裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025