The definitive edition of this beloved children's classic, featuring a wealth of accompanying illustrations and notes which take the reader further into both the story, and the tale of how it was written. Seldom has any book been so widely read and loved as J.R.R. Tolkien's classic tale, The Hobbit. Since its first publication in 1937 it has remained in print to delight each new generation of readers all over the world, and its hero, Bilbo Baggins, has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals: Alice, Pooh, Toad...As with all classics, repeated readings continue to bring new detail and perspectives to the reader's mind, and Tolkien's Middle-earth is a vast mine of treasures and knowledge, its roots delving deep into folklore, mythology and language. The Hobbit is, therefore, an ideal book for annotation: as well as offering a marvellous and entrancing story, it introduces the reader to the richly imagined world of Middle-earth, a world more fully and complexly realised in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Douglas Anderson's annotations make fascinating reading. Additionally, many of Tolkien's own illustrations embellish the text, and numerous illustrations from foreign editions exhibit an extraordinary range of visual interpretation. In an appendix there are details of the revisions made by Tolkien at various times to the publsihed text, which provide an uncommon and privileged glimpse into the special concerns of an exceptional and painstaking writer.
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
約翰·羅納德·瑞爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英國文豪,天纔的語言學傢,牛津大學默頓學院英國語言與文學教授,1919—1920年牛津英語詞典(OED)的編委。他以瑰麗的想像和精深的語言,建立瞭一個英語世界的全新神話體係。托爾金的雄心壯誌不在於寫作一個傳奇故事,或一部史詩。在他所創作的一係列中洲史詩中,影響最為深遠的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。這兩部巨作被譽為當代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已暢銷2.5億餘冊,被翻譯成60餘種語言。美國每年銷售的大約一億本平裝書中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托爾金的作品。《魔戒》被票選為“兩韆年以來最重要的書”。由托爾金小說改編的電影《指環王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世紀奇幻文藝的全麵復興,世界拜倒在他腳下。
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." The hobbit-hole in question belongs to one Bilbo Baggins, an upstanding member of a "little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded dwarves." He is, like most of his kind, well off, well fed, and best pleased when sitting by his own fire with a pipe, a glass of good beer, and a meal to look forward to. Certainly this particular hobbit is the last person one would expect to see set off on a hazardous journey; indeed, when Gandalf the Grey stops by one morning, "looking for someone to share in an adventure," Baggins fervently wishes the wizard elsewhere. No such luck, however; soon 13 fortune-seeking dwarves have arrived on the hobbit's doorstep in search of a burglar, and before he can even grab his hat or an umbrella, Bilbo Baggins is swept out his door and into a dangerous adventure. The dwarves' goal is to return to their ancestral home in the Lonely Mountains and reclaim a stolen fortune from the dragon Smaug. Along the way, they and their reluctant companion meet giant spiders, hostile elves, ravening wolves--and, most perilous of all, a subterranean creature named Gollum from whom Bilbo wins a magical ring in a riddling contest. It is from this life-or-death game in the dark that J.R.R. Tolkien's masterwork, The Lord of the Rings, would eventually spring. Though The Hobbit is lighter in tone than the trilogy that follows, it has, like Bilbo Baggins himself, unexpected iron at its core. Don't be fooled by its fairy-tale demeanor; this is very much a story for adults, though older children will enjoy it, too. By the time Bilbo returns to his comfortable hobbit-hole, he is a different person altogether, well primed for the bigger adventures to come--and so is the reader.
--Alix Wilber
‘One of the best loved characters in English fiction… a marvellous fantasy adventure.’
--Daily Mail
The Annotated Hobbit 霍比特人,注釋版 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
The Annotated Hobbit 霍比特人,注釋版 英文原版 [精裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
霍比特人在人類考古學上有一席之位。而托爾金筆下的霍比特人顯然豐滿可愛的多。他們又矮又可愛,是一幫友愛、快樂的小男人。他們並不漂亮但脾氣絕好,性格有些保守和膽怯,但他們打洞和做傢務的本領超一流。當然,最讓人難忘的還有他們那長滿長毛的毛茸茸的大腳丫。這麼一群世俗而又平常的人,是不是跟我們自己很像呢?!或者他們原本就是我們人類的影子。平凡、保守、膽怯,甚至還有這樣或那樣的缺點。然而,正是這樣一個普通得像影子一樣的霍比特人,經曆瞭一次非比尋常的探險旅行。 一個霍比特人的一次探險經曆,卻窮盡瞭一個人一生所要遭遇和經曆的各種情緒和磨難,有快樂有悲傷、有恐懼有竊喜、有希望有絕望、有占有有分享。那個置身探險中的霍比特人,已經不再是影子。他拋棄瞭傢園,卻擁有瞭一個完全不同的自我。隨著閱讀的深入,你會發現你情願那個人就是你自己:擁有一枚神奇的隱形戒指;騎在大鷹的背上翱翔;用謎語和腦筋急轉彎打敗不知名的怪物;揮舞著短劍刺殺毒蜘蛛;把阿肯寶鑽裝進自己的口袋裏…… 據說小說已經改編成同名電影瞭。說實話,我有點擔心。因為相比魔幻、懸疑的概念,我更願意把這本書定義於童話。童話的基調是快樂的,而且童話的寓意是希望。這本《霍比特人》原本是托爾金寫給孩子的爐邊故事,所以它應該是童話。而現代電影偏偏是利用瞭高科技的手法來追求魔幻和懸疑的視覺感受。這不是不好,隻是感覺它不應該屬於《霍比特人》。J.K.羅琳坦言自己的《哈利.波特》寫到最後依然不能超越托爾金,我想最重要的一個原因就是《哈利.波特》是魔幻小說而不是童話。 成長是孩子的最大未來,而童話卻是成長中的快樂和希望。成長的過程注定會有挫摺和磨難,所以寫給孩子的故事就應該是快樂和希望。在孩子的成長過程,父親雖然不及母親細微溫暖,但一樣會做齣努力和錶現。有人給自己的孩子訓誡;有人給自己的孩子書信;有人卻給孩子童話。給孩子訓誡的父親,不勝枚舉。給孩子書信的父親,最有名的當屬李敖和傅雷瞭吧。其實會給孩子講故事的父親也很多,但會給孩子寫童話的恐怕沒幾個瞭吧。剛好托爾金就是其中的一個。我相信,很多孩子都會希望擁有一位像托爾金這樣的父親。 如果可以選擇,我期望我在10歲的時候讀到這本書。或許,我的人生會因為讀瞭這本書有所不同。如今,10歲時沒能讀到的書在30歲的時候讀到瞭,這不是遺憾而是慶幸。對我來說,姍姍來遲是一種慶幸,而錯過纔是真的遺憾。我想在60歲的時候再來閱讀一遍這本《霍比特人》,希望那時的我能是個快樂的“老小孩”。
插圖,紙張,注解都挺好,可惜帶annotated的都是自小。有什麼事能像閱讀一樣做起來簡單卻成效顯著呢? 讀書給孩子聽就像和孩子說話,同樣基於以下的理由:樹立孩子的信心,帶來歡笑,拉近彼此的距離;告訴孩子信息或嚮孩子解釋問題,引發孩子的好奇心,激勵孩子。在朗讀中,我們還可以: ·在孩子的腦海中,將閱讀與愉悅聯係在一起。 ·創造背景知識。 ·建立詞匯基礎。 ·樹立一個閱讀的典範。 讓我們看看終身閱讀者是如何培養齣來的。許多教育界人士忽略瞭兩項有關閱讀的基本“人生事實”。少瞭這兩個定律的相互作用,教育改革的成效將微乎其微。 閱讀定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。 閱讀定律二:閱讀是積纍漸進的技能。 現在我們來研究定律一:人類是喜歡享樂的。對於能給自己帶來快樂的事,人們會自願地反復去做。我們去自己喜歡的餐廳,點自己喜歡的食物,聽自己喜歡的音樂電颱,探望自己喜歡的親戚。反之,對於自己討厭的食物、音樂及親戚,我們則避之唯恐不及。這不僅是一條定律,更是一個心理上的事實。當我們的感官將電子與化學信息發送到大腦中的“有趣區”或“無趣區”時,人就會作齣正麵或負麵的反應。 美國自然曆史博物館一位傑齣的動物心理學傢,將所有行為分成兩種簡單的反應:接近與迴避。我們接近帶來快樂的事,迴避帶來痛苦或不愉快的事。 愉快就像膠水一樣,能粘住我們的注意力,但隻朝喜歡的方嚮吸引。當欣賞一部電影時,我們就會沉浸其中;不再喜歡時,這種投入的情緒即告中斷。這種情況幾乎適用於所有我們願意去做的事。每當我們給孩子朗讀時,就會發送一個“愉悅”信息到孩子的腦中,甚至將之稱為“廣告”亦不為過,因為朗讀讓孩子把書本、印刷品與愉悅畫上等號。然而,很多時候,“不愉快”卻和“閱讀”
The Annotated Hobbit 霍比特人,注釋版 英文原版 [精裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025