The Movie Book, the latest in DK's award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series, profiles 100 of the best movies ever made throughout the world.
From classic 1930s film noir and Hollywood romance to international art-house and 21st-century sci-fi, The Movie Book brings the world's most influential films to life with its illustrative design. Unforgettable quotes, film stills, and original posters and memorabilia transport you to the world of each film, while narrative timelines and infographics explore central themes, characters, actors, and directors.
Relive classics of the silent era, such as Nosferatu, along with wartime greats like Casablanca, transformative New Wave films such as Lawrence of Arabia and Easy Rider, and modern masterpieces like Do the Right Thing, City of God, and Gravity. Each movie is placed in the broader context of the industry and its key players, making it an invaluable resource for any film fanatic.
The Movie Book zooms in on the best cinematic masterpieces of all time and is a must-have for anyone with a passion for films and the history of cinema.
Big Ideas Simply Explained series uses creative design and innovative graphics, along with straightforward and engaging writing, to make complex subjects easier to understand. These award-winning books provide just the information needed for students, families, or anyone interested in concise, thought-provoking refreshers on a single subject.
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The Movie Book [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书首先是她心仪的对象、她以为会与她结为连理的卫希里的闪电订婚——新娘不是她。然后是终于爆发的南北战争夺走了她为了跟卫希里赌气而与之结婚的査理。她带着儿子背井离乡去了亚特兰大。那之后,战争的蔓延又逼迫她回到家,冒着生命危险。然而,母亲病亡,父亲先疯后亡,家庭的重担全压在了她的肩上,生活天翻地覆。并且,她得照顾卫希里的妻子媚兰,只因卫希里的恳求。战争的灾难还让她差点失去了父母遗留的农庄,她拼了命地把农庄保住,而后因为生活窘迫再婚,丈夫却又身亡了。她顶住悲伤,努力赚钱,生活逐渐有了好转,然而她做为一个女强人却为人们所唾弃。最终,她与贯穿了整本书,性格不羁风流、我行我素、却与一直支持帮助她的白瑞德结婚。但婚后的奢华生活一闪而过,她为白瑞德的女儿的死亡与一个她与卫希里的误会让白瑞德离她而去。
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