[正版二手] 英美法案例精選叢書(英文版):美國知識産權法(第2版)

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編 美國版權法
章 版權保護的條件
節 錶達和思想觀念
案例1 Baker V.Selden
案例2 Nichols V.Universal Pictures Corporation
案例3 Morrissey V.Procter&Gamlble;
第二節 作品的原創性
案例4 Feist V.Rural
案例5 GraceV.Bradford Exchange.
第三節 作品的固定
案例6 White Smith Music Pub Co.v.Appollo Co
案例7 National Football League v.McBee & Bruno's,Inc
第四節 版權標記
案例8 Hasbro Bradley,Inc.V.Sparkle Toys,Inc
第五節 版權保護的消極條件
案例9 Mitchell Bros.v.Cinema Adult Theater
第二章 作品的類型
節 一般形式
案例10 Andrew Leicester V.Warner Brothers
第二節 特殊形式
案例11 GRicordi&Co.v.Paramount; Pictures,Inc
案例12 New York Times Co.v.Tasini
第三章 版權的保護期限
案例13 Eric Eldred v.JohD.Ashcroft
第四章 版權的內容
節 作者的權利
案例14 Columbia Pictures Industries v. Redd Horne
案例15 Quality Kmg Distributors,lnc.v. L'Anza Research Int'l,Inc
第二節 閤理使用
案例16 Harper&Row; Publishers V.NatioEnterprises
案例17 Campbell v.Acuff-Rose Music Inc
第五章 版權的侵權和救濟
節 侵權
案例18 Sony Co.v.Universal City Studios, Inc
案例19 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.v.Grokster,Ltd
第二節 救濟
案例20 Feltner v.Columbia Pictures Television,Inc
案例21 Boissov.BaniliaInc
第六章 版權法和其他知識産權法的關聯
節 版權和
案例22 MaZer v.Stein
第二節 版權和商標
案例23 Dastar Corp.v.Twentieth Century Foxfilm Corp
第七章 和計算機軟件有關的版權問題
節 保護的範圍
案例24 ComputerAssociates International,lnc.,V.Altai,Inc.
第二節 保護的限製
案例25 Sega Enterprises Ltd.v.Assolade,lnc.
第八章 版權濫用及其規則
案例26 Laserb America v.Reynolds
案例27 Practice ManagementlnformatioCorp.v.AMA

第二編 美國法
第三編 美國商標法



2) Substantial Similarity Test for Computer Program Structure: Abstraction-Filtration-Comparison
We think that Whelan's approach to separating idea from expressioiputer programs relies too heavily ometaphysical distinctions and does not place enough emphasis opractical considerations. Cf. Apple Computer,714 F.2d at 1253 (rejecting certaimercial constraints oprogramming as a helpful means of distinguishing idea from expressiobecause they did 'not enter into the somewhat metaphysical issue of whether particular ideas and expressions have merged'). As the cases that we shall discuss demonstrate, a satisfactory answer to this problem cannot be reached by resorting, a priori, to philosophical first principals.
As discussed herein, we think that district courts would be well-advised to undertake a three-step procedure, based othe abstractions test utilized by the district court, iorder to determine whether the non-literal elements-of two or more puter programs are substantially similar. This approach breaks no new ground; rather, it draws osuch familiar copyright doctrines as merger, scenes a faire, and public domain. Itaking this approach, however, we are cognizant that puter technology is a dynamic field which caquickly outpace judicial decisiomaking. Thus, icases where the technology inquest odoes not allow for a literal applicatioof the procedure we outline below, our opinioshould not be read to foreclose the district courts of our circuit from utilizing a modified version,
Iascertaining substantial similarity under this approach, a court would first break dowthe allegedly infringed program into its constituent structural parts. Then, by examining each of these parts for such things as incorporated ideas, expressiothat is necessarily incidental to those ideas, and elements that are takefrom the public domain, a court would thebe able to sift out all non-protectable material. Left with a kernel, or possible kernels, of creative expressioafter following this process of elimination, the court's last step would be to pare this material with the structure of aallegedly infringing program. The result of this parisowill determine whether the protectable elements of the programs at issue are substantially similar so as to warrant a finding of infringement. It will be helpful to elaborate a bit further.
Step One: Abstraction
As the district court appreciated, see Computer Assocs.,775 F. Supp.at560, the theoretic framework for analyzing substantial similarity expounded by Learned Hand ithe Nichols case is helpful ithe present context. INichols, we enunciated what has now bee knowas the 'abstractions' test for separating idea from expression:
Upoany work...a great number of patterns of increasing generality will fit equally well, as more and more of the incident is left out. The last may perhaps be no more thathe most general statement of what the isabout, and at times might consist only of its title; but there is a point ithis series of abstractions where they are no longer protected, since otherwise the could prevent the use of his 'ideas,' to which, apart from their expression, his property is never extended.
While the abstractions test was originally applied irelatioto literary works such as novels and plays, it is adaptable to puter programs. Icontrast to the Whelaapproach, the abstractions test 'implicitly recognizes that any givework may consist of a mixture of numerous ideas and expressions.'


編 美國版權法
章 版權保護的條件
節 錶達和思想觀念
案例1 Baker V.Selden
案例2 Nichols V.Universal Pictures Corporation
案例3 Morrissey V.Procter&Gamlble;
第二節 作品的原創性
案例4 Feist V.Rural
案例5 GraceV.Bradford Exchange.
第三節 作品的固定
案例6 White Smith Music Pub Co.v.Appollo Co
案例7 National Football League v.McBee & Bruno's,Inc
第四節 版權標記
案例8 Hasbro Bradley,Inc.V.Sparkle Toys,Inc
第五節 版權保護的消極條件
案例9 Mitchell Bros.v.Cinema Adult Theater
第二章 作品的類型
節 一般形式
案例10 Andrew Leicester V.Warner Brothers
第二節 特殊形式
案例11 GRicordi&Co.v.Paramount; Pictures,Inc
案例12 New York Times Co.v.Tasini
第三章 版權的保護期限
案例13 Eric Eldred v.JohD.Ashcroft
第四章 版權的內容
節 作者的權利
案例14 Columbia Pictures Industries v. Redd Horne
案例15 Quality Kmg Distributors,lnc.v. L'Anza Research Int'l,Inc
第二節 閤理使用
案例16 Harper&Row; Publishers V.NatioEnterprises
案例17 Campbell v.Acuff-Rose Music Inc
第五章 版權的侵權和救濟
節 侵權
案例18 Sony Co.v.Universal City Studios, Inc
案例19 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.v.Grokster,Ltd
第二節 救濟
案例20 Feltner v.Columbia Pictures Television,Inc
案例21 Boissov.BaniliaInc
第六章 版權法和其他知識産權法的關聯
節 版權和
案例22 MaZer v.Stein
第二節 版權和商標
案例23 Dastar Corp.v.Twentieth Century Foxfilm Corp
第七章 和計算機軟件有關的版權問題
節 保護的範圍
案例24 ComputerAssociates International,lnc.,V.Altai,Inc.
第二節 保護的限製
案例25 Sega Enterprises Ltd.v.Assolade,lnc.
第八章 版權濫用及其規則
案例26 Laserb America v.Reynolds
案例27 Practice ManagementlnformatioCorp.v.AMA

第二編 美國法
第三編 美國商標法

[正版二手] 英美法案例精選叢書(英文版):美國知識産權法(第2版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

[正版二手] 英美法案例精選叢書(英文版):美國知識産權法(第2版) mobi 下載 pdf 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

[正版二手] 英美法案例精選叢書(英文版):美國知識産權法(第2版) 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024

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