圖書基本信息 | |||
圖書名稱 | 休閑體育的國際視野-2015世界休閑娛樂科學大會論文摘要選集 | 作者 | 李相如,謝軍 |
定價 | 75.00元 | 齣版社 | 北京體育大學齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787564427825 | 齣版日期 | 2017-12-01 |
字數 | 頁碼 | 279 | |
版次 | 1 | 裝幀 | 平裝 |
開本 | 16開 | 商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
內容簡介 | |
在時代的號召力下,中國社會開始關注休閑運動與健康、旅遊、體育産業乃至文化教育的深層次關聯,學者們力圖實現休閑運動在各領域的全麵、持續、深厚發力,共同推進大眾休閑的發展。《休閑體育的國際視野:2015世界休閑運動休閑娛樂科學大會論文摘要選集》收錄的學者們將運動休閑放置於文化的高度,遵循休閑體育的文化基本特徵和精神,對休閑體育的發展進行整體性和前瞻性的把握;學者們站在促進世界體育事業繁榮發展的高度,在文化的大背景下關照東西方體育文化的理想和現實;學者們從某一點或某一現象探討休閑體育發展,著力於休閑體育開展過程中實際問題的解決。 該書學者的思想開闊,視點較為廣泛,闡述瞭運動休閑與健康、旅遊、生態文明等方麵的研究成果,內容豐富,可讀性強,是休閑體育愛好者及研究人員的有價值的參考讀物,同時也可作為高等院校休閑體育相關課程的參考資料。 |
作者簡介 | |
李相如,首都體育學院休閑與社會體育學院院長(2007—2015年),教授,北京市教學名師,博士研究生導師,全國群眾體育先進個人,北京市經濟技術創新標兵,國傢社會體育指導員,教育部國培專傢庫專傢。國傢體育總局群體司、青少司、社會體育管理中心等智庫專傢,我國休閑體育和全民健身專傢。主要社會:WLSA(世界休閑體育協會)主席,中國社會學會社會體育分會常委。中國體育科學學會體質分會常委,中國大學生體育協會戰略發展工作委員會常務理事、副秘書長。主持國傢社科基金項目、國傢體育總局、北京市級課題以及橫嚮委托課題30餘項。國傢教學團隊主要負責人,北京市學術創新團隊帶頭人、國傢十二五規劃教材主編、《休閑體育藍皮書》主編等;主編、副主編專著、教材、譯著近60餘部;發錶論文近300餘篇;獲得各項研究和專項經費1500餘萬元。2013—2017年北京電颱體育頻道全民健身講堂主講嘉賓。1998年至今受國傢體育總局、教育部、解放軍總政治部、全國總工會、北京市等委派或邀請為全國各級體育乾部、體育教師、公司員工、工礦工人、社區市民、鄉鎮農民、大中學生等授課和講座韆餘場(次)。 |
目錄 | |
章 休閑運動與健康 The SituatioResearch of the People Involved iSports and Leisure Activities iBeijing Health Leisure: a Social Leisure Health Perspective Study FunctioStudy of How does Leisure Sports Promote Learning-Type Community Culture Building Analysis of Fitness Effects of Square Dance of Community iBeijing Study othe RelationshipBetweenLeisure Sports and the Development of a City Study othe Path of Leisure Sports to Promote Healthy City Construction Research othe Sports Lifestyle of Senior Citizens Research othe Effect of the Teenagers'Personalities CultivationThrough the OutdoorSports The Importance of FictioAmong Leisure Activities for Older Adults iLater Lives The Investigatioand Analysis of Baoding Tai Chi's Development Situation The Applicatioand Research of Elastic Band iLeisure Sports Analysis othe Causes of Injury Incidents iSports Adventure Activities AExperimental Study of the Physical Exercise InterventiooOlder Adults Fall Prevention Analyse the Necessity of Leisure Sports iChildren's Education Investigations oBody Sculpting Sports of Leisure Activities for FemaleFlight Attendants Research othe Establishing NormalizatioMechanism of Sports Recreatioof Urban and Rural Residents iChina Research othe Scientific Sports Recreatioand Health Promotion Study oShoulder Sports Injury Reasons and Functional Training Strategies for the Teenager Handball Players The Effectiveness of the InterventioiHealth Gymnastics Movement othe Physical and Mental Health of Older People The Influence of Outdoor Sports oEmotions and Moods The Study oInvestigatioof Female Migrant Workers to Participate iLeisure Activities Sports and Leisure——The Cornerstone of Health Body, Power and Recreational Sport ParticipatioUnder the Perspective of Feminism——Taking aExample of Public Square Dancing IJiaozuo City, a Research and Investigatioof the Way and Method Spending Time and Life for the People and Gents Who Get Left Behind FamilyaSpecific ExampleiTaijiquan The Inheritance and Innovatioof Leisure Sports Morphology iHuizhou A Study othe Constructioof the Risk Management Indicators System of Outdoor Leisure Sports Research othe Development Strategy of Sports Recreatiounder the Background of the National Fitness Program The Empirical Research othe Status of Roller Skating:A Newly Recreational Sport Favored by Chinese Children National Sports Fitness, Leisure, Entertainment FunctioAnalysis Effects of Hip Hop othe Growth of Young People Resistance Training's Effects oRecreatioRunners InvestigatiooSituatioof National Fitness Route of Community iBeijing Leisure Sports and Youth Sports Educatiofrom the Perspective of Sports Lifestyle Development Prospect Research oSports Leisure Park 論休閑運動如何促進學習型社區文化建設 …… 第二章 休閑運動與旅遊 第三章 休閑運動與生態文明 第四章 休閑運動與體育産業 第五章 休閑運動與文化教育 |