Jared Diamond, a noted polymath, is Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Among his many awards are the U.S. National Medal of Science, Japan’s Cosmos Prize, a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, a Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, and election to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He is the author of the international best-selling books Guns, Germs, and Steel, Collapse, Why Is Sex Fun?, The World until Yesterday, and The Third Chimpanzee, and is the presenter of TV documentary series based on three of those books.
In his earlier bestsellers Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse, Jared Diamond transformed our understanding of what makes civilizations rise and fall. Now, in the final book in this monumental trilogy, he reveals how successful nations recover from crisis through selective change — a coping mechanism more commonly associated with personal trauma.
In a dazzling comparative study, Diamond shows us how seven countries have survived defining upheavals in the recent past — from US Commodore Perry’s arrival in Japan to the Soviet invasion of Finland to Pinochet’s regime in Chile — through a process of painful self-appraisal and adaptation, and he identifies patterns in the way that these distinct nations recovered from calamity. Looking ahead to the future, he investigates whether the United States, and the world, are squandering their natural advantages, on a path towards political conflict and decline. Or can we still learn from the lessons of the past?
Adding a psychological dimension to the awe-inspiring grasp of history, geography, economics, and anthropology that marks all Diamond’s work, Upheaval reveals how both nations and individuals can become more resilient. The result is a book that is epic, urgent, and groundbreaking.
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Upheaval 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##类比个人对危机应对,以此为框架看国家的危机应对,听起来有点民科但却也确实带来不少洞见。分析的例子中,有国内大家较为熟悉的如日本明治维新、德国二战后重建与两德统一,也有至少我个人不熟悉的如芬兰与苏联的冬季战争、澳大利亚的身份认同危机、智利的军政府政变等,还是很涨见识的。全书最后谈当下美国所面临的危机也顺便讨论了与中国的冲突,可惜局限于美国视角只能讲一些老生常谈的点,像贫富差距、左右党争之类,若是能站在中国的角度写当下的危机应该会有意思得多吧。当今朝廷强调“底线思维”,算是抛弃了幻想,做着最坏的打算最好的准备;按照书中框架衡量,这样是否真能做到承担责任,明确问题,准确评估自我,且保有足够耐心,就只能在多年后由历史评述了。
评分 评分 评分 评分 评分 评分 评分##世事愈加纷乱之际,希望通过此书,获得一些启迪。 虽然此书涉及了七个国家的危机应对历史,但我认为,他其实想要替他的国家找危机应对之策。此书倒数第三和第二章里,他大段大段地阐述和分析了当今美国所面临的重大问题。 他讨论了美国第一大问题—日益恶化的政治妥协能力,以及三个”其它”问题,包括选举过程不公正、社会经济不平等、社会流动性缺乏,最后还有两个问题,提到了但没有展开讨论:种族关系和妇女地位。 所有这些论述都有助于我们去理解,最近几天充斥各类新闻媒体的反种族主义游行示威的消息。
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