Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden is an American computer professional who leaked classified information unveiling mass-surveillance at an unimagined scale from intelligence agencies to mainstream media which created ripples across the globe
dward Snowden, the man who risked everything to expose the US government’s system of mass surveillance, reveals for the first time the story of his life, including how he helped to build that system and what motivated him to try to bring it down.
In 2013, twenty-nine-year-old Edward Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the United States government was secretly pursuing the means to collect every single phone call, text message, and email. The result would be an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every person on earth. Six years later, Snowden reveals for the very first time how he helped to build this system and why he was moved to expose it.
Spanning the bucolic Beltway suburbs of his childhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, Permanent Record is the extraordinary account of a bright young man who grew up online—a man who became a spy, a whistleblower, and, in exile, the Internet’s conscience. Written with wit, grace, passion, and an unflinching candor, Permanent Record is a crucial memoir of our digital age and destined to be a classic.
Permanent Record 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Permanent Record 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##在瑞士的火车上读完此书:前段看作者成长,中段学加密技术,后段经历揭秘危机和劫后余生,结尾体验爱的流淌和感动。不得不说这个计算机天才的写作手法也是可以的。这本书帮助你了解近20年继911后美国国安局和中情局对于全世界人民所有信息的监控的具体情况。没错,他们也可以看到我读了这本书,以及发了这个书评。若不是这个为自由、人权奋斗的少年,也许我们永远无法知道我们的隐私还有多少属于自己。斯诺登值得我们尊敬。 PS: 作者温馨提示: 如果你在阅读本书时有任何时刻因为一个名词而停了下来,你想要厘清或进一步调查,于是在搜索引擎中输入该名词,而且如果那个名词碰巧有些可疑,像是XKeyscore,那么我要恭喜你:你已进入系统(被监视)了,沦为自己好奇心的受害者。
评分 评分##这事要发生在你洼当事人会被全国唾弃为卖国贼家属会被当人质最后名字会成为敏感词
评分Edward Snowden 的自传,我不太看人物传记,不过 Snowden 由于跟我们是差不多年代的人,所以看他从小到大的经历许多地方还是蛮有共鸣的,其中尤其是对早期美好简单的互联网的回忆。现在的互联网早已因为各种商业、政治等各种因素变得面目全非,着实让人感到非常难过。当然整本...
评分##《永久记录》 作者:爱德华·斯诺登 2020.03.16 近几年间有两个著名的揭秘者,一个是棱镜计划的揭露者,另一个是维基解密的阿桑奇 。《永久记录》主要是棱镜计划揭露者斯诺登的自传,记录着他从小时候到逃亡至俄罗斯多年间所经历的事情,包括他的计算机启蒙、黑客思想、机密接...
评分##423-Permanent Record-Edward Snowden-Autobiography-2019 Barack 2022/06/18 《Permanent Record》,首版于2019年。Edward Snowden冒着一切风险揭露美国政府的大规模监控系统,他首次揭示了他的人生故事,包括他如何帮助建立该系统,以及是什么促使他试图将其摧毁。2013 年,E...
评分##看的台版 中情局有自己版本的脸书,让情治人员可进行社交,~维基百科、谷歌/当我读到中国实施监控的技术细节时,文件钜细靡遗地描述到:政府动用无数设备与机制监控超过十亿人民,每日收集、储存与分析他们数十亿通电话与网络通讯/没货国安局-透过后设数据的帮助,监视者能得知你昨晚入睡与今早起床的时间、每天逛了哪些地方、在哪里待了多久,以及你接触过的对象有谁、谁又与你联系过。/我唯一能想到这台冰箱连网的理由,就是取得使用者与其他家庭成员数据回报给制造商,然后让他们贩卖数据赚钱。/输入网址时,你的请求会经过国安局,等恶意程序进入你的电脑,国安局不但可以存取你的后设资料,还有你自己的资料/我带着可执行TAILS的笔电,这是Linux开发的“健忘”操作系统意味一旦关机所有资料都会消失一旦再次启动一切又重新开始
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