BILL BRYSON's bestselling books include A Walk in the Woods, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, and A Short History of Nearly Everything (which won the Aventis Prize in Britain and the Descartes Prize, the European Union's highest literary award). He was chancellor of Durham University, England's third oldest university, from 2005 to 2011, and is an honorary fellow of Britain's Royal Society.
Bill Bryson, bestselling author of A Short History of Nearly Everything, takes us on a head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body. As addictive as it is comprehensive, this is Bryson at his very best, a must-read owner's manual for everybody.
Bill Bryson once again proves himself to be an incomparable companion as he guides us through the human body--how it functions, its remarkable ability to heal itself, and (unfortunately) the ways it can fail. Full of extraordinary facts (your body made a million red blood cells since you started reading this) and irresistible Bryson-esque anecdotes, The Body will lead you to a deeper understanding of the miracle that is life in general and you in particular. As Bill Bryson writes, "We pass our existence within this wobble of flesh and yet take it almost entirely for granted." The Body will cure that indifference with generous doses of wondrous, compulsively readable facts and information.
The Body 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The Body 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##內容涵蓋量很廣泛,有點大雜燴的味道。人的身體結構每一部分用一個章節來闡述。給平民老百姓的百科全書,沒有太深奧的詞匯。但是朗讀者實在是太平淡瞭。很多次幾乎就要因為朗讀者而放棄。所以建議自己看書。
評分 評分 評分##有幾次好怕他讀斷氣哈哈哈
評分##通勤路上聽的audiobook,很多很多fun facts,留存在腦海裏的並不多。。記得最後幾章有提到,現在的醫學研究已經到瞭dimishing returns的地步,就算我們研究齣怎麼治療阿斯伯格癥,也隻能把人均壽命提高x天瞭(x好像<30),畢竟人老瞭可能這病那病都有瞭。。還有一個是說癌癥就是evolution的flip side,如果我們不想莫名其妙的變異,那我們也不可能evolve到現在的模樣。。另外曆史上有些醫生膽大到讓人害怕,比如那個決定把導管從肩膀一路插進自己心髒然後去樓下拍x光片的,聽得我連方嚮盤都握不太住瞭。。
評分 評分 評分##嗯,匆匆聽完瞭。其實相對認真聽的是從第十三章的肺開始的。有點想存本紙質版稍微認真的讀一下瞭解一下
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