书名:A People’s History of the United States 美国人民的历史
作者:Howard Zinn
出版社名称:Harper Perennial
商品尺寸:13.5 x 3.1 x 20.3 cm
A People’s History of the United States《美国人民的历史》是美国著名左翼历史学家和社会评论家霍华德?津恩的代表作。作品从普通人而非政治和经济精英的视角来讲述历史,其主角不是征服者、统治者、政客和资本家,而是印第安人、黑奴、劳工、妇女以及逃犯、示威者、骚乱者、拒服兵役者,讲述的是那些反对奴隶制度和种族歧视的勇士的历史,是那些为争取劳工权利而领导罢工斗争的工人领袖的历史,是那些反对战争和军国主义的社会主义者及其他人士的历史。本书适合有一定美国历史基础、英文水平中级以上的读者。
With a new introduction by Anthony Arnove, this edition of the classic national bestseller chronicles American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official narrative taught in school—with its emphasis on great men in high laces—to focus on the street, the home, and the workplace.
Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People’s History of the United States is the only volume to tell America’s story from the point of view of—and in the words of—America’s women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As historian Howard Zinn shows, many of our country’s greatest battles—fights for fair wages, eight-hour workdays, child-labor laws, health and safety standards, universal suffrage, women’s rights, racial equality—were carried out at the grassroots level, against bloody resistance.
Covering Christopher Columbus’s arrival through President Clinton’s first term, A People’s History of the United States, which was nominated for the American Book Award in 1981, features insightful analysis of the most important events in our history.
This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more.
“Howard Zinn’s work literally changed the conscience of a generation. And the series of ‘people’s histories’ derived from this great work have provided new understanding of who we are and what we should aspire to be. As the thirty-fifth anniversary edition reminds us, this is a remarkable legacy.” — Noam Chomsky
“A brilliant and moving history of the American people.” — Library Journal
“Historian may well view it as a step toward a coherent new version of American history.” — Eric Foner, New York Times Book Review
霍华德?津恩(Howard Zinn),历史学家、剧作家、社会活动家。1922年生于纽约一个犹太裔工人家庭,23岁时作为美国空军的一名投弹手参加了二战,这一经历促成了他日后强烈的反战观点。战后,津恩先后就读于纽约大学和哥伦比亚大学,获得博士学位。在黑人女子学院斯佩尔曼学院教授了七年历史后,津恩在波士顿大学担任政治学教授,直到24年后退休。1980年,《美国人民的历史》出版,并获得1981年国家图书奖提名。津恩以被压迫人民的抗争为视角,叙述了一部以人民反抗运动为主题的美国史,取代标准历史教科书,在美国大学和高中广泛教授,纽约时报称其二十多年来“年均销售超过十万册”,成为美国很受欢迎的历史教材。2008年,津恩成立了“津恩教育计划”,在全美各地的初、高中推广教授《美国人民的历史》。从20世纪60年代投身黑人民权运动,到后来反对越战、伊战的和平运动,津恩活跃在社会舞台上超过半个世纪,2010年获得马丁?路德?金人道主义奖表彰。同年,津恩在加州圣莫尼卡去世。
Howard Zinn (1922–2010) was a historian, playwright, and social activist. In addition to A People’s History of the United States, which has sold more than two million copies, he is the author of many books, including the autobiography You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train, The People Speak, and Passionate Declarations.
Introduction by Anthony Arnove
1. Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress
2. Drawing the Color Line
3. Persons of Mean and Vile Condition
4. Tyranny Is Tyranny
5. A Kind of Revolution
6. The Intimately Oppressed
7. As Long as Grass Grows or Water Runs
8. We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God
9. Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom
10. The Other Civil War
11. Robber Barons and Rebels
12. The Empire and the People
13. The Socialist Challenge
14. War Is the Health of the State
15. Self-help in Hard Times
16. A People War?
17. “Or Does It Explode?”
18. The Impossible Victory Vietnam
19. Surprises
20. The Seventies: Under Control?
21. Carter-Reagan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus
22. The Unreported Resistance
23. The Coming Revolt of the Guards
24. The Clinton Presidency
25. The 2000 Election and the “War on Terrorism”
Columbus wrote:
As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts.
The information that Columbus wanted most was: Where is the gold? He had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands, the wealth, he expected would be on the other side of the Atlantic-the Indies and Asia, gold and spices. For, like other infoit1ied people of his time, he knew the world was round and he could sail west in order to get to the Far East.
Spain was recently uni6ed, one of the new modern nation-states, like France, England, and Portugal. Its population, mostly poor peasants, worked for the nobility, who were 2 percent of the population and owned 95 percent of the land. Spain had tied itself to the Catholic Church, expelled all the Jews, driven out the Moors. Like other states of the modern world, Spain sought gold, which was becoming the new mark of wealth, more useful than land because it could buy anything.
There was gold in Asia, it was thought, and certainly silks and spices, for Marco Polo and others had brought back marvelous things from their overland expeditions centuries before. Now that the Turks had conquered Constantinople and the eastern Mediterranean, and controlled the land routes to Asia, a sea route was needed. Portuguese sailors were working their way around the southern tip of Africa. Spain decided to gamble on a long sail across an unknown ocean.
In return for bringing back gold and spices, they promised Columbus 10 percent of the profits, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title : Admiral of the Ocean Sea. He was a merchants clerk from the Italian city of Genoa, part-time weaver (the son of a skilled weaver), and expert sailor. He set out with three sailing ships, the largest of which was the Santa Maria, perhaps 100 feet long, and thirty-nine crew members.
Columbus would never have made it to Asia, which was thousands of miles farther away than he had calculated, imagining a smaller world. He would have been doomed by that great expanse of sea. But he was lucky. One-fourth of the way there he came upon an unknown, uncharted land that lay between Europe and Asia-the Americas. It was early October 1492, and thirty-three days since he and his crew had left the Canary Islands, off the Atlantic coast of Africa. Now they saw branches and sticks floating in the water. They saw flocks of birds.
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华研原版英文历史书 People's History of the US美国人民的历史 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书华研原版英文历史书 People's History of the US美国人民的历史 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025