
特立独型:别墅造型及细部设计图集(附赠本书电子书1份) 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

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出版社: 华中科技大学出版社




适读人群 :建筑设计师、室内设计师、设计爱好者、大学相关专业师生
  《特立独型 别墅造型及细部设计图集》臻萃全球别墅之经典设计,重点解析别墅立面材质、色彩、线条与工艺地运用,探讨别墅造型设计之精妙,并融各种风格别墅于一体,在风格之中突显立面与造型设计的微妙之处。同时,《特立独型 别墅造型及细部设计图集》也对精妙的室内设计与景观设计进行了展示,充实了图书内容,具有较高的参考性和借鉴性。


  别墅设计者大多偏爱其室内的装饰与设计,而或多或少的忽略了立面与造型的设计。别墅的立面与造型从宏观上决定了别墅整体的风格,也是室内设计的基调。如今别墅立面风格多样,造型多变,创新中传承传统建筑精髓,多变中融入地域文化特色。《特立独型 别墅造型及立面设计图集》收录全球范围内特色鲜明的别墅立面与造型设计,风格多样,既有中式别墅的氤氲古韵;又有美式别墅细部设计的简洁、大方;更有欧式别墅中讲究廊柱、雕花、线条与制作工艺的典雅法风以及注重理性与大气的沉静德风。



House in Alpicat Alpicat 住宅
Garden House 花园别墅
46 North Avenue house 北大街46 号住宅
Robinson House 罗宾逊住宅
Refurbishment of a patio-house in Gracia 格拉西亚庭院住宅改造项目
Kearsarge Residence 基尔萨吉住宅
Westgate Residence 西门住宅
House 780 780 住宅
House 784 784 住宅
Green Greenberg Green House Green Greenberg 绿阁
House like a Museum 典藏物语居
House of Maple Leaves 枫叶别墅
Casa Paracas 帕拉卡斯住宅
House Playa Las Palmeras 棕榈岸住宅
House Playa El Golf H4 高尔夫H4 海岸住宅
Casa L L 住宅
Casa Tierra 蒂拉住宅
Villa Di Gioia 珈雅别墅
Forest House 森林小屋
Mountain House 山中小屋
Sun House 阳光小屋
OLS House OLS 住宅
Van Buchem House 万卜奇住宅
Grid House 木格房屋
Trish House 翠茜住宅
Echo House Echo 住宅
Westboro Home 韦斯特伯勒住宅
Contemporary Alpine House 现代阿尔卑斯山住宅
Bronte House 勃朗特住宅
Casa Oruga Oruga 住宅
Winsomere Cres House 克雷斯蔚寐园住宅
Hill-Maheux Cottage Hill-Maheux 乡村小别墅
Hurteau-Miller Cottage 诃道· 米勒乡间别墅
MPK House MPK 住宅
Arsenal B47 阿森纳B47 住宅
Godden Cres Godden Cres 私人住宅
Summer House 夏日之居
Malpartida House 马尔帕蒂达别墅
Casa Del Agua Del Agua 住宅
Casa Encinos II Encinos II 住宅
Casa Rio Hondo RioHondo 住宅
Casa da Playa De Oliveres Oliveres 海滨别墅
House in the Hill 山地雅居
R?h?j Allé Villa R?h?j Allé 别墅
Water Patio 水景庭院住宅
Casa Gomez Gomez 住宅
Cumbres Doce Cumbres Doce 住宅
House of Mr. R. R 先生之家
Maison Escalier Maison Escalier 住宅
Anti Patio Anti Patio 住宅
VIP-House Holiday Home VIP 度假别墅
Casa SSM SSM 住宅
House in Palabritas Beach Palabritas 海滨别墅
Casa Poseidon Poseidon 住宅
Suehiro House Suehiro 别墅
Prime Nature Residence 自然之居
Agui House Agui 别墅


 The layout fosters the relationship of the house with the public road and with the patio-gardens, avoiding any uncomfortable relations with the nearby neighbours.
 The project attempts to recover some of the architectural conditions of the area's traditional dwellings. In this regard, all the materials used on the building are local: the bricks and arch bricks
 come from the municipality's ceramic industry, while both the structural concrete elements and the rest of the materials that shape the dwelling come from neighbouring Lleida.
 The walls are both structure and enclosure, generating shade in the outdoor spaces and shaping the patterns that allow domestic life to take place between them. The interior spaces are organised in these interstices and are articulated around some courtyards that provide them at all times with light and crossed ventilation. In this way it is possible to develop the entire programme on the the first floor, defining the way it adapts to the landscape and to the harsh interior climate of Catalonia.
 The construction systems are exhibited in their full reality. The walls are crowned with reinforced concrete beams supporting a beam filling of ceramic arch bricks. This laying and breakup system of the bricks allows for both removing pieces to create lattices to filter the light and provide privacy and for adding others that jut out from the wall to invite any future vegetation to take over certain parts of the house, fostering the relationship with the nature and the landscape.
  本案布局强化了房屋与大路、庭院之间的联系,避免 了与周边环境不协调元素的出现。
  作为建筑结构与围墙的墙体,投影于外部空间,墙体围合而成的空间便成了家庭活动开展的场所。 设计师于墙体空隙之间设计室内空间,并在其周围设计一个庭院,使室内空间采光充足,通风良好,也使室外景观与当地气候相协调。


I like to think of houses as the third skin we live
in, the second skin being of course our clothes.
Our residences are our bastion, our castle,
our refuge from the world. They are where we
express ourselves, where we live the way we
want to, not necessarily how we want the world
to see us live. "The home should be the treasure
chest of living", as Le Corbusier put it.
Residential design is surely the oldest form of
design and of architecture. Shelter is one of our
basic needs which quickly led to the desire to
create and design this "third skin" as a place of
protection, a place of identity and, ultimately,
as a place of expression of our culture.
How these residences are designed very much
influences how we do our living. Spaces and
the way they are connected influence our
mood and wellbeing just like, for instance,
music does. The way private and communal
areas are designed and interact determines
how we live in a group, be it as a family or in
any other form, be it on a domestic or an urban
scale.As architects we do have an enormous
responsibility to shoulder in that our thinking, our
work, does make all the difference to how other
people live their lives.
On top of that we are more and more becoming
aware that we have to be responsible for many
other aspects of residential living, too. The way
we architects anticipate the construction of
any building, not too many years ago not really
much of a topic, is now an essential part of our
design process. The specified materials do not
only have to be suitable for the task, they also
should be produced in an energy efficient and
environmentally friendly way, have to be no or
low emission, low waste, recyclable, etc, the list
goes on.
Energy being one of our most critical resources,
we also have to think through the use of it in our
houses. Modern technology helps, such as ever
developing LED lighting, something that wasn't
really an option only a few years ago. Efficient
solar hot water and photovoltaic units. Double
and triple glazing with thermally separated
framing etc etc.
But also the design of the house's orientation
within the landscape and the sun is these days
more and more critical. Clever distribution
of opening elements in the facade allows
natural ventilation to avoid extensive air
conditioning. Carefully positioned overhangs
optimize the solar gain in winter and minimise it
in summer. Planting and water features create
microclimates and mini eco systems. These are
parameters that are here to stay, to become
integral elements of our design considerations
even though some people see these issues only
as trends.
Having said that of course we live in today's
world, influenced by all the imagery we are
exposed to and the modern lifestyle we live. Our
world is fast changing, our social interactions
are transforming from having a few in-depth
relations to having many superficial ones.
Cultural boundaries blur with rapid exposure
of new thoughs or design ideas from different
places, even from different continents, through
dedicated blogs and websites.
Fortunately this interconnectivity has also
enriched design worldwide enormously and I
truly believe that this, our time will be looked
back at as a wonderful and revolutionary
time for architecture. Having shed Minimalism
now quite some time ago we are keen (and
allowed) to explore materials, techniques and
designs that were quite unthinkable only a few
years ago. Technical limits for the realisation of
designs are becoming less and less of a defining
factor. What can be designed in a computer
drafting program can also be built. Elements
that due to labour cost or lack of available
craftsmanship cannot be made by hand any
more can increasingly be made by automated
machining, CNC cutting or 3D printing.
Depending on what may be going on in the
mind of the designer, or the architect here in
the case of houses, we are able to design and
build a much wider variety of solutions than ever
before. Soft and dynamic shapes that our inner
self can relate to on a very deep level. There is
not much of a limit any more to the realisation
of our imagination. Of course there is a danger
here akin to a toddler wreaking unsupervised
with a box of crayons and while some of our
almost childlike joy in playing with the new
design toys may turn out a bit awkw 特立独型:别墅造型及细部设计图集(附赠本书电子书1份) 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

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特立独型:别墅造型及细部设计图集(附赠本书电子书1份) 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025

特立独型:别墅造型及细部设计图集(附赠本书电子书1份) 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
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