A twenty-four-hour day leaves plenty of time to play and learn, to jump and run, and finally, time to cuddle up in the blankets and dream. Easy-to-read digital and analogue clock faces on every page will help very young readers grasp the skill of telling time as they follow a boy through his day.
Stuart J. Murphy is a visual learning specialist. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, he has a strong background in design and art direction. He also has extensive experience in the world of educational publishing. Drawing on all these talents, Stuart J. Murphy brings a unique perspective to the MathStart series. In MathStart books, pictures do more than tell stories; they teach math.
Stuart J. Murphy and his wife, Nancy, live in Boston.
PreSchool-Grade 3-In Time, a simple text and colorful cartoon artwork show a child as he goes through a typical day, with activities listed for each hour. Times are presented on both a digital and round-faced clock. Unfortunately, the digital numbers are in yellow on a purple background, making them hard to read. Also, although the narrative mentions "time to learn" or "quiet time," the exact hour (e.g., five o'clock) is never written out in the text. Claire Llewellyn's My First Book of Time (DK, 1992) and Eve Merriam's Train Leaves the Station (Holt, 1994) are better choices on this topic. More or Less uses a carnival game to demonstrate comparing numbers. During a school picnic, Eddie, a math whiz, guesses people's ages by asking them if they are older or younger than a certain number. If it takes him more than six questions, he gets dunked. He is fairly successful until the principal steps up. This engaging tale, illustrated with lighthearted watercolors, will inspire children to re-create Eddie's game and might lead to a new interest in math. In the third book, Polly has an e-mail pen pal in Montreal. As Ally uses metrics to discuss height, weight, and distances, Polly learns what they mean. No comparisons to English measurements are made but the metric measurements are likened to common objects that kids will recognize. This title features colorful but simplistic computer-generated cartoons.
-Erlene Bishop Killeen, Fox Prairie Elementary School, Stoughton, WI 前言/序言
It's About Time! (MathStart 1)時間到瞭!(數學啓濛1) 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
It's About Time! (MathStart 1)時間到瞭!(數學啓濛1) 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
在太空裏,自己懂得發亮光的,稱為恒星。由於自身的重力過大的關係,恒星中心所感受到的壓力,大到足以發生核聚變( Nuclear fusion ),這時輕的元素( 如 氫, Hydrogen )會聚閤變成較重的元素( 如氦, Helium ),藉以産生能量,對抗重力,一部份能量轉變成為可見光,嚮四麵八方射齣來,這就是恒星。最近我們的恒星便是太陽瞭,她是一顆發齣紅黃色亮光的小恒星,已經48億歲瞭!再過大約50億年,她的能源便會消耗完畢,結束她的一生。 恒星形成是宇宙的基本過程,它使星係可見並使宇宙中正常物質的演化有規律可循。恒星把在大爆炸中産生的原初的氫和氦熔煉成較重的元素。短壽命的大質量恒星産生強烈的輻射,在超新星災變性爆發中死亡,並調節著周圍形成的恒星的星雲;與此同時,行星在小質量恒星周圍形成,為生命進化提供長期穩定的環境。 除瞭太陽之外,最靠近地球的恒星是半人馬座的比鄰星。中國在戰國時代起已命名肉眼能辨彆到的恒星或是以它所在星官命名,如天關星、北河二等;或是根椐傳說命名,例如織女星(織女一)、牛郎星(河鼓二)、老人星等;獵戶座α(參宿四)、獵戶座β(參宿七),大角星,馬腹一,十字架二,畢宿五,天津四等等很多。 圍繞恒星公轉的稱為行星,地球便是圍繞太陽公轉的九個大行星的其中一員。行星沒有甚麼特彆,她們隻是陪伴
It's About Time! (MathStart 1)時間到瞭!(數學啓濛1) 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025