A young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing; one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover-these are the two couples whose story is told in this masterful novel. Kundera's first since The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance, its weight. Hence, we feel the unbearable lightness of being not only as the consequence of our private actions, but also in the public sphere, and the two inevitably intertwine.
男主人公托马斯是一个外科医生,因为婚姻失败,既渴望女人又畏惧女人,因此发展出一套外遇守则来应付他众多的情妇。但自从他爱上了餐厅的女侍--特丽莎,他开始违反自己的原则,甚至娶她为妻。但同时托马斯灵肉分离的想法丝毫没有改变,依然游移在情妇之间,对全心爱他的特丽莎是一种伤害。特丽莎经常在极度不安的梦靥中醒来,经常猜忌与怀有恐怖想像。此时捷克政治动乱不安,在苏黎世的一位权威医生的邀请下,两人决定去那里生活。但是面对陌生环境的不安与丈夫仍然与情妇私通,特丽莎决定离开,回到祖国。但是命运与抉择让托马斯回去找她,此后两人没有再分离。他们意识到在一起是快乐的,是折磨与悲凉里的快乐,彼此是生命中甜美的负担。后来他们死于一场车祸。 萨宾娜是一个画家,曾经是托马斯的情妇之一,也是特丽莎妒忌的对象。萨宾娜一生不断选择背叛,选择让自己的人生没有责任而轻盈的生活。她讨厌忠诚与任何讨好大众的媚俗行为,但是这样的背叛让她感到自己人生存在于虚无当中。弗兰茨是被萨宾娜背叛的情夫之一,他因为她而放弃自己坚持的婚姻与忠诚,但是由于萨宾娜的背弃,让弗兰茨发现自己过去对于婚姻的执着是可笑的,纯属多余的假想,他的妻子只是自己对于母亲理想的投射。离婚后,自由自立的单身生活为他生命带来新的契机,并且了解萨宾娜只是他对革命与冒险生活的追随。后来他与他的学生相恋,在实际参与一场虚伪游行活动后,意识到自己真正的幸福是留在他的学生旁边。一场突然抢劫中,弗兰茨因为想展现自己的勇气而蛮力抵抗,却遭到重击,在厌恶妻子的陪伴下,无言的死于病榻上。
The Franco-Czech novelist Milan Kundera was born in Brno and has lived in France, his second homeland, for more than twenty years.
He is the author of the novels The Joke, Life Is Elsewhere, The Farewell Party, The Books of Laughter and Forgetting, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and Immortality, and the short story collection Laughable Loves--all originally written in Czech.
Like Slowness, his two earlier nonfiction works, The Art of the Novel and Testaments Betrayed, were originally written in French.
米兰·昆德拉,捷克小说家。1967年出版第一部长篇小说《玩笑》,获得巨大成功。曾多次获得国际文学奖,并多次被提名为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人。主要作品有《小说的艺术》、《不能承受的生命之轻》等。被《华盛顿邮报》誉为“欧美最杰出的和最为有趣的小说家之一”。 精彩书评
"Brilliant . . . A work of high modernist playfulness and deep pathos."
Janet Malcolm, New York Review of Books
"Kundera has raised the novel of ideas to a new level of dreamlike lyricism and emotional intensity."
-- Jim Miller, Newsweek "Kundera is a virtuoso . . . A work of the boldest mastery, originality, and richness."
-- Elizabeth Hardwick, Vanity Fair 目录
PART ONE Lightness and Weight
PART TWO Soul and Body
PART THREE Words Misunderstood
PART FOUR Soul and Body
PART FIVE Lightness and Weight
PART SIX The Grand March
PART SEVEN Karenin's Smile
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 生命不能承受之轻 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 生命不能承受之轻 英文原版 [平装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 生命不能承受之轻 英文原版 [平装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025