Lillian Hoban (May 18, 1925 – July 17, 1998) was a children's literature author and artist.
The youngest of three children, Hoban was born Lillian Aberman in Philadelphia on May 18, 1925. She attended the Philadelphia Museum School of Art, studied dance for ten years and danced with the Martha Graham troupe, taught Modern Dance and danced professionally in the 1950s.
Hoban learned to draw still life and began to write her own stories only after having four children, Phoebe, Brom, Esme and Julia. She based her tales on their experiences.
Her "I-Can-Read" books about Arthur the chimpanzee and his little sister Violet, and the Frances the Badger books (illustrated by Hoban but written by her then-husband Russell) continue to be extremely popular among children as time goes by, widely considered to be classics. Charlie the Tramp, about a wayward young beaver and his family, is now unfortunately out of print. She also illustrated the Riverside Kids series including Russell Rides Again, Elisa In The Middle, Superduper Teddy, and Busybody Nora. The last Riverside Kids book she illustrated is Ever-Clever Elisa.
Lillian Hoban died in 1998.
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Arthur's Loose Tooth (I Can Read, Level 2)亞瑟鬆動的牙齒 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書可愛的亞瑟,平時跟妹妹說他將來要做一個無畏的人,因為他膽子大,並且很強壯。可是,一點小傷口就嚎啕大哭,不敢碰鬆動的牙齒,而妹妹維萊特卻錶現得很冷靜,非常生動的故事,兄妹之間的相處就像發生在我們自己身上一樣。喜歡亞瑟,推薦大傢購買。
評分等瞭快一個月瞭 終於到瞭 東西還不錯
評分當圖畫書這一概念或這一詞匯齣現在中國讀者的視聽範圍內時,對它感到陌生的讀者不禁要問:是不是就是漫畫,或者卡通? 很多對圖畫書已有認識的讀者和閱讀推廣人都會肯定地說不是。我們單從繪畫的創作上來看,卡通和漫畫的創作除去基本的紙、筆之外,還有一些特殊的輔助工具,諸如網點紙、筆刀、壓網刀、拷貝颱等,這些輔助工具幫助繪者畫齣效果統一的背景或規整的紋理,做 齣相同的造型拷貝等。某種程度上說,這也造成卡通、漫畫有其固有的繪畫風格和模式。 從這一點上來看,圖畫書與卡通、漫畫絕不相同。到目前為止,我們看到的圖畫書大部分都是采用傳統繪畫的方法,如鉛筆、水彩、丙烯、油畫、油畫棒,甚至有木刻和套印等特殊技法的運用。近二三十年來,圖畫書的創作手法越來越豐富多元,很多畫傢在創作同一本圖畫書的時候都不會僅限於利用一種顔色或技法,他們將各種手法結閤,甚至在一些書裏除瞭不同的繪畫技法之外,還融入類似於浮雕或者實景照片與圖畫拼貼等多種綜閤手法。但是這些創作的過程,都是全手工的藝術創作,不存在模闆或拷貝等方法,絕不復製。每一幅圖畫都可以成為一幅精彩的美術作品。可以說,圖畫書的繪畫風格韆變萬化,沒有畫傢嘗試不到的,隻有讀者意想不到的。
評分 評分 評分很劃算,做活動就數京東最給力,支持京東!買書大坑,神券值得擁有!
評分The youngest of three children, Hoban was born Lillian Aberman in Philadelphia on May 18, 1925. She attended the Philadelphia Museum School of Art, studied dance for ten years and danced with the Martha Graham troupe, taught Modern Dance and danced professionally in the 1950s.
Arthur's Loose Tooth (I Can Read, Level 2)亞瑟鬆動的牙齒 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025