The Magic School Bus was a series of children's books intended to teach scientific concepts to children. They were written between 1986 and 2001 by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degan. The books feature the exploits of Ms. Frizzle and her class of students at Walkerville Elementary School who board a magical school bus which takes them on educational adventures to space, under the Earth, into the human body, or to other such locations. The books were written in the first person from the point of view of an unnamed student in the Friz's class.
在《神奇校车:神奇的火山》中,为生动解释水下火山演化为小岛的过程,Ms. Frizzle带领着孩子们乘坐神奇校车,潜入深海,进入了火山。通过这次考察,孩子们了解了板块构造论的概念、火山的形成过程、火山的组成物质……
Joanna Cole is a United States author of children's books who teaches science. She is most famous as the author of The Magic School Bus series of children's books. Cole loved science as a child, and had a teacher she says was a little like Ms. Frizzle. She has worked as an elementary school teacher, a librarian, and a children's book editor.
乔安娜·柯尔(Joanna Cole)做过教师和儿童读物编辑,现在专事写作。 布鲁斯·迪根(Bruce Degen)热爱大自然,已经为孩子们画了几十本图书。 他们创作的《神奇校车》系列丛书,表达了自己对科学的热爱。这套科普故事书,以新颖活泼、好玩易懂的形式,带领孩子们进入浩瀚的科学领域,畅游在地球科学、生物科学、太空科学、气象学、古生物学等学科中。 1991年,《神奇校车》获得了《华盛顿邮报》非小说类儿童读物奖。
The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top: A Book About Volcanoes 神奇校车系列: 神奇的火山 英文原版 [平装] [6-10岁] [神奇校车系列: 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top: A Book About Volcanoes 神奇校车系列: 神奇的火山 英文原版 [平装] [6-10岁] [神奇校车系列: 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top: A Book About Volcanoes 神奇校车系列: 神奇的火山 英文原版 [平装] [6-10岁] [神奇校车系列: mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025