适读人群 :4-7岁 《好奇猴乔治》讲述了一只充满好奇的猴子,因缘际会离开丛林被带到了人类世界,单纯的好奇心给他带来了一连串的新奇冒险。《好奇小猴乔治》是作者汉斯·奥古斯都和玛格丽特·雷夫妇爱的结晶,故事出自太太玛格丽特手笔,先生汉斯负责插画,以简单线条描绘出戏剧张力十足、妙趣横生的故事,夫妇联手开启了这一系列脍炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美国Houghton Mifflin出版社推出第一本《好奇小猴乔治》起,该系列迄今已经被翻译成17种语言文字,售出3000万本有余,这只东奔西闯的可爱小猴子早已成为了经典绘本形象与商品偶像。另外,本系列还被改编为电影,深受喜爱。
George and the man with the yellow hat take a trip to the firehouse, and George finds all sorts of new things to explore. When one curious monkey meets a company of unsuspecting firefighters, a big adventure is sure to follow! This BIG, bright board book is just right for sharing with curious little toddlers. The sturdy, oversize pages are easy for little hands to turn.
Hans Augusto Rey was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1898. As a child, he spent much of his free time in that city's famous Hagenbeck Zoo drawing animals. After serving in the army during World War I, he studied philology and natural science at the University of Hamburg. He then married Margret Rey and they moved to Montmartre for four years. The manuscript for the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and Curious George was published in 1941. Curious George has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as CECILY G. AND THE NINE MONKEYS and FIND THE CONSTELLATIONS.
Curious George and the Firefighters 好奇的乔治系列 [精装] [4-7岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Curious George and the Firefighters 好奇的乔治系列 [精装] [4-7岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Curious George and the Firefighters 好奇的乔治系列 [精装] [4-7岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025