Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上]

Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2024

Patricia Polacco(帕特丽夏·珀拉蔻) 著


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出版社: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated




Baba Yaga is a witch famous throughout Russia for eating children, but this Babushka Baba Yaga is a lonely old woman who just wants a grandchild—to love. "Kids will respond to the joyful story of the outsider who gets to join in, and Polacco's richly patterned paintings of Russian peasant life on the edge of the woods are full of light and color." — en's Book The villagers are afraid of her, so the legendary Baba Yaga disguises herself as an old woman in order to know the joys of being a grandmother.


Patricia Polacco was born in Lansing, Michigan in 1944. Her parents divorced when she was three but both parents were very much a part of her childhood. She spent the summers with her father in Williamston, Michigan and the rest of the year with her mother and grandparents on a farm. Both families spent a great deal of time sharing stories and memories with Patricia and her older brother, Richard. When she was seven, the children moved with her mother to Oakland, California where she still lives, but they continued to go every summer to Michigan.

She had great difficulty learning to read because of dyslexia, a condition about which very little was known at the time, but a seventh grade teacher discovered her problem and helped her with it. Once she could read, she read voraciously.

Patricia Polacco published her first book in 1987. She often plans out a story before she puts it down on paper and usually the words come before the illustrations.


Publishers Weekly Living alone in the forest, Baba Yaga watches longingly as the babushkas of the village care for their grandchildren. Snatching an outfit off a clothesline, the wizened, long-eared creature disguises herself as one of the village grandmothers and goes in search of a child to love. She finds the cherubic Victor, whose mother needs someone to watch him while she works. Baba Yaga savors her new life, until one day she overhears the other babushkas speaking hatefully of the legendary Baba Yaga. Greatly saddened, she decides to return to her home in the woods before Victor discovers her true identity. Polacco's soothing version of this Russian folktale ends happily: Baba Yaga saves her beloved charge from a pack of vicious wolves and earns the babushkas' praise and acceptance. The art features Polacco's ( Rechenka's Eggs ) trademark sumptuous colors, a rich melange of patterns and textures--and even a sprinkling of forest fairies. Such visual dimension, coupled with her direct yet resonant narrative, marks this as another of Polacco's winning picture books. Ages 4-8. (Sept.) Publishers Weekly This "direct yet resonant" retelling of a Russian folktale has "sumptuous colors, a rich melange of patterns and textures--and even a sprinkling of forest fairies," said PW. Ages 4-8. (Jan.) Fewer Reviews Children's Literature A delightful tale about a good Russian witch with a lesson about judging by appearance alone. Baba Yaga is not really a wicked witch, she just wants to be some little child's grandmother. Her chance comes when she saves a young boy from the wolves and the other grandmother's accept her as one of their own. Polacco's variant of this Russian folktale is beautifully illustrated. Widely reviewed and praised, this book earned a "star" from School Library Journal. Children's Literature In most Russian stories, Baba Yaga is a horrible witch who eats children, but not in Polacco's Babushka Baba Yaga. She wants to be a grandmother and hug and hold children. It is not just how Polacco changes the character. She also tells a really great story when she adds real human feelings to Baba Yaga. Kids will love the twist and they will love saying "Babushka Baba Yaga" over and over. School Library Journal K-Gr 3-Wishing to be like the people she watches from the woods, Baba Yaga dresses herself in human clothing and covers her elfin ears with a scarf. Resembling any other grandmother or babushka, she is welcomed into the home of a young mother and quickly assumes the care of a child named Victor. She grows to love the boy, but when the other old women tell terrifying stories of the witch Baba Yaga, she returns to the woods with a heavy heart. Missing her, Victor wanders into the woods and is threatened by ferocious wolves. Coming to his rescue, Baba Yaga is finally accepted by the babushkas who realize that, ``Those who judge one another on what they hear or see, and not what they know of them in their hearts, are fools indeed!'' Polacco's reassuring text is accompanied by her full-page illustrations drawn in a casual, relaxed style in a variety of mediums: markers, charcoal pencil, chalk pastel, and gouache. The underlying message of tolerance is well presented, and the author does an admirable job of melding the two contrasting grandmother images from Russian culture. While her depiction of the misunderstood creature may surprise serious students of folklore, those wanting to share a kinder, gentler Baba Yaga will welcome this picture book.-Denise Anton Wright, Illinois State University, Normal


Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上] mobi 下载 pdf 下载 pub 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2024

Babushka Baba Yaga 芭芭雅嘎奶奶 [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
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真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。



真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。




真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。





真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。真好,真快,服务也好,我已经是京东的老会员了,在这里买东西真的很方便,全都是正品,有质量保障。我给自己、给家里、给公司、给父母、给朋友…………总之都是在京东。在这里买发货快,服务好,可退、可换,没有后顾之忧。我也把自己的朋友、同事介绍过来。现在我都是京东的超级会员了,呵呵,连邮费都没有了。太棒了!家里的冰箱、电视、电饭锅、数码相机、电脑、手机、平板全是在京东买的。以前也总是评价的,呵呵,评价有积分送,还能兑礼卷。很划算。现在京东的评价积分规则改了,刚开始不知道,哇评了一大堆,很不爽,白忙了,给京东做义务劳动了。呵呵,商人都是这样。没办法,也是京东的超级会员了,就当做奉献了。要500字的好评换积分,还确实有点麻烦,还好我的订单多,给京东拉下人气,也希望京东看在我努力的份上,多给我点积分,才好。呵呵,这里的书,和同事、同事孩子的、还有儿子同学们用的书,都是我们帮买的。他们高兴的很。又方便 ,又便宜。质量又好,还能帮我赚积分,帮我会员升级。我也就很高兴帮他们。要是京东能针对我们老顾客也多搞些活动,那有多好啊。呵呵,我是京东义务宣传员,不信的可以来体验下。在这里买东西,比在淘宝踏实多了。网络购物新体验,就来京东。

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