Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) was an Austrian writer who, at the height of his fame in the 1920s and 30s, was one of the most famous authors in the world. Zweig was born into a wealthy Austrian-Jewish family in Vienna, where he attended school and university before continuing his studies on Berlin. A devotee of Hugo von Hoffmanstahl, he had published his first book of poetry by the age of 19. After taking a pacifist stance during the First World War he travelled widely and became an international bestseller with a string of hugely popular novellas including Letter from an Unknown Woman, Amok and Fear. He also developed friendships with great writers, thinkers and artists of the day, including Romain Rolland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Arturo Toscanini and, perhaps most importantly, Sigmund Freud, whose philosophy had a great influence on Zweig’s work.
In 1934, with the rise of Nazism, he moved to London. There he began proceedings for the divorce of his first wife Frederika, whom he had left for his secretary Lotte Altmann, a young German-Jewish refugee. In London he also wrote his only novel – his most famous and arguably greatest work, Beware of Pity – before moving to Bath, where, with the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, he and Lotte took British citizenship. With the German occupation of France in 1940, Zweig, a committed pacifist and advocate of European integration, was devastated. “Europe is finished, our world destroyed,” he wrote. Zweig and Lotte married and left Europe for New York, before finally settling in Petrópolis, Brazil, where in 1942 the couple were found dead in an apparent double suicide.
Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) was a poet, novelist, and dramatist, but it was his biographies that expressed his full genius, recreating for his international audience the Elizabethan age, the French Revolution, the great days of voyages and discoveries. In this autobiography he holds the mirror up to his own age, telling the story of a generation that 'was loaded down with a burden of fate as was hardly any other in the course of history'. Zweig attracted to himself the best minds and loftiest souls of his era: Freud, Yeats, Borgese, Pirandello, Gorky, Ravel, Joyce, Toscanini, Jane Addams, Anatole France, and Romain Rolland are but a few of the friends he writes about. Stefan Zweig was an Austrian writer whose life connected with James Joyce, Richard Strauss, Sigmund Freud and Adolf Hitler - among many others. He was, essentially, a European of the old school, and his last book, "The World of Yesterday", testifies to this. Zweig was born in 1881; he lived to see the continent torn apart by two world wars and committed suicide in Brazil in 1942 when, after the fall of Singapore to the Japanese, he came to believe that a Nazi world was inevitable. "The World of Yesterday" was written shortly before his suicide and was intended as a literary capsule to remind future generations of the world that they had lost, and how that loss had come about. The main trajectory of the book is from an old world of seeming 'security' in which notions of peace, dignity and learning reigned, to the new world of war in which Hitler had destroyed all of these things. Zweig provides a vivid portrait of how war and terror can sweep over a people who are seemingly oblivious to what is happening to them. The process, in Zweig's view, vindicates the apparent pessimism of his friend Sigmund Freud - who believes that culture could never overcome the subconscious and malevolent desires of a people. Zweig lost almost everything he had to the Nazis. He was an Austrian jew who fled because he knew what was coming. The book is written entirely from memory. Its language consequently tends to lurch from the high flown and sentimental, to chillingly accurate vignettes of how a people can delude themselves about a catastrophe in their midst. He manages to convey his horror when, on his final visit to Austria, he realised that none of his friends and family could imagine the worst that could happen - and hence did not believe his exhortations to leave while they could: 'They invited each other to full-dress parties (little thinking that they would soon be wearing prisoner's clothes in a concentration camp)'.
The World of Yesterday 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The World of Yesterday 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##這本深受好評的書讀來不僅沒有令人失望,其帶來的思想情感的撞擊力之大是思思讀書感受中少有,雖然通篇找下來,見不到什麼煽情的遣詞造句。 這不是一本簡單的傳記,是人類精神文明的悲情在一個時代的縮影。作者身為纔華橫溢之男兒,袒露齣嬌弱女兒之悲憫之心,超越瞭種族超越...
評分##昨日的世界是這樣的:維也納猶太傢庭長大的少年眼中有星,筆下有光,推開歐洲任意一座城市裏任意一扇酒館的門就能交到一個久聞其名的朋友。聽到後記的時候很感慨,zweig夫婦自殺的時候二戰已經逐現曙光。並不是不相信和平會來臨,而是the civilization of Europe had already been buried with the world of yesterday.
評分 評分很久以前在圓明園的一個書攤上買瞭北大版的<<海涅 席勒與茨威格>>,那是我第一次聽說茨威格。 當時隻對有關海涅的文章感興趣,對書中介紹的茨威格的愛情小說<<一個陌生女人的來信>>和<<焦灼的心靈>>不是很上心。茨威格這個名字也就從此放下瞭。 今年初由看陀思妥耶夫斯...
評分##http://hutianyi.net/?p=931 如果您做過2005年上海高考捲的話,那您一定不會對斯蒂芬•茨威格這個名字感到陌生,因為那一年的語文捲閱讀第二篇就是對這位作者一部作品的書評。這部作品,就是他臨終前不久寫成的迴憶錄《昨日的世界——一個歐洲人的迴憶》。 茨威格...
評分##http://hutianyi.net/?p=931 如果您做過2005年上海高考捲的話,那您一定不會對斯蒂芬•茨威格這個名字感到陌生,因為那一年的語文捲閱讀第二篇就是對這位作者一部作品的書評。這部作品,就是他臨終前不久寫成的迴憶錄《昨日的世界——一個歐洲人的迴憶》。 茨威格...
評分##but, after all, shadows themselves are born of light. and only he who has experienced dawn and dusk, war and peace, ascent and decline, only he has truly lived. 五星推薦所有朋友讀
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