Gilbert Strang was an undergraduate at MIT and a Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford. His Ph.D. was from UCLA and since then he has taught at MIT. He has been a Sloan Fellow and a Fairchild Scholar and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a Professor of Mathematics at MIT, an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Strang has published eleven books:
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (2014)
Introduction to Linear Algebra (1993,1998,2003,2009)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (1976,1980,1988,2005)
An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, with George Fix (1973, 2008)
Introduction to Applied Mathematics (1986)
Calculus (1991)
Wavelets and Filter Banks, with Truong Nguyen (1996)
Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, with Kai Borre (1997)
Computational Science and Engineering (2007)
Essays in Linear Algebra (2012)
Algorithms for Global Positioning, with Kai Borre (2012)
He was the President of SIAM during 1999 and 2000, and Chair of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics. He received the von Neumann Medal of the US Association for Computational Mechanics, and the Henrici Prize for applied analysis. The first Su Buchin Prize from the International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the Haimo Prize from the Mathematical Association of America, were awarded for his contributions to teaching around the world. His home page is math.mit.edu/~gs/ and his video lectures on linear algebra and on computational science and engineering are on ocw.mit.edu (mathematics/18.06 and 18.085).
Introduction to Linear Algebra 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Introduction to Linear Algebra 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##數學課基本在靠油管的MIT網課拯救
評分 評分##MIT著名綫代課程的教材,因為沒時間跟視頻就直接看教材瞭。這本書定位是入門,但我覺得學過綫代的再看一遍收獲也很大,書裏提供的一些理解角度是我從來沒有注意到過的例如Ax=b的四個重要嚮量空間,還有矩陣乘法的四種理解,看完真的覺得太amazing瞭。 不過也有缺點,這本書行文風格更像是一本課堂講義,看起來總覺得有點不順暢,需要自己重新組織好知識點。
評分 評分 評分##Strang教授的這本書可以理解為是泛函知識的下放,強調幾何直觀性,而不太關心嚴格的證明。西方有大量的基礎教材都采用瞭類似的方式,即高等知識的直觀下放。從知識的高度上講,比國內一般的工科綫性代數的教材高很多。但是從學習難度上講,又比國內的教材要簡單許多。從看瞭這...
評分 評分##還記得大四保研麵試的時候,問的第一個問題是:講一下奇異值分解的方法、應用和物理意義。麵試之前我準備瞭一周,設想過很多種奇葩的場麵,但是這個問題真把我問濛瞭,我甚至不知道這是哪門課教的東西,完全不知道怎麼答。支吾瞭大概10秒鍾不知所雲之後,我忍不住觀察瞭一下老...
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