Flight crew is a group of people employed by an airline who have duties on board the aircraft. It consists of two kinds of people: those who are responsible for the safety, efficient operation of an aircraft and those who are responsible for the safety and wellbe- ing of passengers on a flight. The first kind is called pilots and the other, cabin crew.
Pilots exercise command over the crew, including the co-pilots (first officers) and cabin crew. Aircraft are usually operated by two, three or four pilots, depending on the type of aircraft and length of journey. The pilot who is called the captain is the more senior one. He has full responsibility for the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.
Pilots are needed in four areas: passenger scheduled services; passenger charter services; freight services; and business aviation (general aviation). The business avia- tion is the biggest sector worldwide and includes private aircraft, flying schools, and companies transporting oil and gas workers to offshore rigs.
Many consider flying to be a dream job but perhaps have an unrealistic idea about what it is really like. In fact, the job demands a great deal of personal commitment and self-sacrifice. A pilot has to pass stringent training courses, and then be tested in recur- rent training twice yearly in order to maintain the relevant license.
Cabin crew is the people who are working with the passengers in the cabin. They attend to passengers needs throughout the flight, serving refreshments and selling du- ty-free goods, so customer service is vital. They are expected to be friendly, enthusias- tic and courteous at all times. Cabin crew can also be divided into two groups: the senior member is called flight director or purser and those who work under the senior member are called cabin attendants.
A qualified cabin crew must be with lofty goals and passion. But thats not enough. High level of professionalism and hard working attitude are a must. Language is also important, and an excellent cabin crew must be able to communicate with passengers in English fluently who are not sharing the same language.
Cabin attendant should carry out a range of duties: attending a pre-flight briefing, and crew members are assigned their tasks for the coming flight.
民航運輸類專業“十二五”規劃教材:空乘英語 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024
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民航運輸類專業“十二五”規劃教材:空乘英語 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024