- 齣版社: Golden Books; Spi Rei (2001年5月1日)
- 叢書名:
- 塑料齒固定活頁: 20頁
- 讀者對象: 1 - 3 歲
- 語種: 英語
- ISBN: 0307120007
- 條形碼: 0033500120008, 9780307120007
- 商品尺寸: 13 x 2.9 x 14.3 cm
For over 50 years, Pat the Bunny has held a special place as Baby's First Book...and as a perennial bestseller. Since its first publication in 1940, Pat the Bunny has sold over 6 million copies, making it the number 6 all- time bestselling children's hardcover book*. Play along with Paul and Judy as they smell the flowers, look in the mirror, play peek-a-boo, and, of course, pat the bunny.
*Publisher's Weekly, 2/5/96
“Here are Paul and Judy. They can do lots of things. You can do lots of things, too.” 在這本繪本裏,孩子會和Judy一起摸一摸小兔子,和Paul玩躲貓貓,隨Paul去聞花香,學Judy照鏡子,也摸一摸爸爸粗糙的麵頰,分享Judy的故事書,和Judy一樣戴上媽媽的戒指。
原版書 Pat the Bunny 繪本 拍拍小兔子 觸摸書 經典嬰幼香味玩具書 翻翻書 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
原版書 Pat the Bunny 繪本 拍拍小兔子 觸摸書 經典嬰幼香味玩具書 翻翻書 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書原版書 Pat the Bunny 繪本 拍拍小兔子 觸摸書 經典嬰幼香味玩具書 翻翻書 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025