From #1 New York Times bestselling author Ken Follett comes this spellbinding epic set in twelfth-century England. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of the lives entwined in the building of the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has ever known-and a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state, and brother against brother.
當他走過廢墟旁邊時。建造一座新的大教堂的前景似乎看來令人生畏瞭。那麼多石頭,那麼多木料,那麼多手藝匠人,那麼些年頭。他得掌握這一切。確保材料源源不斷地供應,監督木料和石頭的質量。雇用和解雇工人,不斷地用鉛錘和水平儀檢查他們的工作。為模型做樣闆,設計和製作吊裝器械……他不清楚自己到底有沒有那能力。 接著,他又想到從無到有的創造是多麼激動人心;將來有一天,在目前這塊除瞭廢墟還一無所有的地方,看到一座新教堂矗立著,而且能夠說:這是我修建的。 他腦子裏還有一個念頭,那是深埋在塵封的角落裏的,他簡直不願意對自己承認的一件事。如果他修好一座大教堂。上帝一定會對他垂青:他不知道他能不能要求讓埃格妮絲替他領受那份垂青。如果他能把建大教堂的工作奉獻給埃格妮絲。他會覺得她的靈魂是安全的,他也就可以放心休息瞭。 此書另有續集《無盡世界》
Ken Follett (born 5 June 1949) is a Welsh author of thrillers and historical novels. He has sold more than 100 million copies of his works. Four of his books have reached the number 1 ranking on the
New York Times best-seller list:
The Key to Rebecca,
Lie Down with Lions,
Triple, and
World Without End.
肯·福萊特(Ken Follett,1949— ),當代大師級驚悚小說作傢。1949年6月5日生於英國威爾士,在倫敦念完大學後曾任新聞記者,後專職寫作。1978年以《針眼》一書榮獲埃德加·愛倫·坡最佳小說奬,蜚聲國際,年僅27歲。之後又有《聖彼得堡來客》、《與獅同眠》等多部小說暢銷全世界,奠定瞭不可動搖的大師地位。1989年齣版的《聖殿春鞦》,成為作者最受歡迎的一本書,其美國版至今仍保持每年十萬冊的銷量。2007年齣版的續篇《無盡世界》,一舉登上《紐約時報》等十多個暢銷書榜首位。 福萊特作品的最大特色是內容都有史實根據。曆史上的真實人物與小說中的虛構角色,天衣無縫的融閤在一起。其栩栩如生的人物刻畫、高潮迭起的情節鋪陳,精緻準確的細部描繪,讓讀者在亦真亦幻之中,與曆史時代共浮沉;和曆史人物同悲喜,得到無比的樂趣。 福萊特還擅長描寫愛情,用縴細動人的筆觸,捕捉男女間微妙的感情變化,使他的驚悚小說同時也是一流的愛情小說。
"Tom Builder's dream is to build a cathedral, but in the meantime, he must scrounge about to find a lord that will hire him. His search pulls him and his family into the politics of 12th-century England, as different lords vie to gain control of the throne in the wake of the recently deceased king. Prior Phillip, a man raised in the monastery since childhood, also finds himself drafted into the brewing storm as he must protect the interests of a declining church. Richard E. Grant seduces readers early on with a soft and deliberate voice that is like a loud whisper. However, his full range quickly reveals itself as he delves into characters with animated voices that exert their true essence. Even throughout the narrative, Grant musters a lively voice that imbues energy into the story. The only shortcoming is that the abridgment of Follett's 1989 novel proves to be too choppy. Though the story appears complete, there still remain abrupt moments throughout the tale. Penguin Audio's unabridged version is read by John Lee and runs 41 hours."
-- Publishers Weekly
"A radical departure from Follett's novels of international suspense and intrigue, this chronicles the vicissitudes of a prior, his master builder, and their community as they struggle to build a cathedral and protect themselves during the tumultuous 12th century, when the empress Maud and Stephen are fighting for the crown of England after the death of Henry I. The plot is less tightly controlled than those in Follett's contemporary works, and despite the wealth of historical detail, especially concerning architecture and construction, much of the language as well as the psychology of the characters and their relationships remains firmly rooted in the 20th century. This will appeal more to lovers of exciting adventure stories than true devotees of historical fiction. Literary Guild dual main selection."
--The Library Journal
The Pillars of the Earth (Movie Tie-in) 聖殿春鞦 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
The Pillars of the Earth (Movie Tie-in) 聖殿春鞦 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The Pillars of the Earth (Movie Tie-in) 聖殿春鞦 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025