
Uberland 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

Alex Rosenblat


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University of California Press 2018-11-19 Hardcover 9780520298576



Alex Rosenblat is a technology ethnographer. A researcher at the Data & Society Research Institute, she holds an MA in sociology from Queen’s University and a BA in history from McGill University. Rosenblat’s writing has appeared in media outlets such as the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, the Atlantic, Slate, and Fast Company. Her research has received attention worldwide and has been covered in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, MIT Technology Review, WIRED, New Scientist, and the Guardian. Many scholarly and professional publications have also published her prizewinning work, including the International Journal of Communication and the Columbia Law Review.

Silicon Valley technology is transforming the way we work, and Uber is leading the charge. An American startup that promised to deliver entrepreneurship for the masses through its technology, Uber instead built a new template for employment using algorithms and Internet platforms. Upending our understanding of work in the digital age, Uberland paints a future where any of us might be managed by a faceless boss.

The neutral language of technology masks the powerful influence algorithms have across the New Economy. Uberland chronicles the stories of drivers in more than twenty-five cities in the United States and Canada over four years, shedding light on their working conditions and providing a window into how they feel behind the wheel. The book also explores Uber’s outsized influence around the world: the billion-dollar company is now influencing everything from debates about sexual harassment and transportation regulations to racial equality campaigns and labor rights initiatives.

Based on award-winning technology ethnographer Alex Rosenblat’s firsthand experience of riding over 5,000 miles with Uber drivers, daily visits to online forums, and face-to-face discussions with senior Uber employees, Uberland goes beyond the headlines to reveal the complicated politics of popular technologies that are manipulating both workers and consumers.

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##可能是我之前預期太高瞭,看完感覺就還好吧,也可能是因為之前做過類似的pre,所以感覺幾乎都是把我已經知道的內容以Uber為例重組瞭一下,當然填充瞭很多Uber運作的細節,這本書一句話總結就是:technological totalitarianism(social aspect) is coming





##3.5星,還可以吧。確實是材料都有瞭,普通論述也有,但理論性不強(或者說基本不存在)。總的來說還是對Uber的全麵批判,如果有理論支撐的話作為學術作品會更加堅實,現在看起來就是深度不夠。不過我還是enjoy reading it瞭。



##This is a book about how Uber created a fundamental cultural shift in what it means to be employ ed. It is also a book about technology ideology—the stories Uber tells us about users, and the stories we tell each other about the role of technology in our lives. It’s a tale of how a small start-up in Silicon Valley put algorithms in charge of managi 學理性不強,偏經驗概述,可供粗綫條的概覽,有很多能進一步挖掘的點。許多現象在平日與滴滴司機的閑聊中得到交叉印證,但優步、滴滴兩者在運營機製上仍有不同(比較視野),可以放在零工經濟和共享經濟(經濟背景)、大眾創業萬眾創新(政治背景)、平颱崛起算法霸權(技術-文...  



##The basic logic of sharing economy (of Uber): use marketing to sugarcoat labor disposability and allure more disposable labors; use consumer narrative to dodge responsibility, use algorithms management to exploit laborer

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