受歡迎的小偵探,Nate The Great,已經風靡全球讀者超過三十年!古靈精怪的個性和有趣的故事情節,讓所有愛追根究底的孩子一頭栽進重重懸案裏。重新編排的小偵探係列另增加謎語、笑話、烹調秘訣和手工藝活動頁麵,讀者在書中解謎之餘也盡情享受有趣的真實世界。
目錄:Nate the Great Nate the Great Goes UndercoverNate the Great and the Monster Mess Nate the Great and the Halloween HuntNate the Great and the Phony ClueNate The Great And The Crunchy ChristmasNate the Great and the Snowy Trail Nate the Great and the Missing Key 封麵圖: