1/山西省考古研究所所長 謝堯亭 3/山西博物院院長 石金鳴 5/首都博物館館長 郭小淩
9 /解讀霸國
27 /緒言
31 / —齣嫁——閤二姓之好
34 /揭秘霸國 56 /公主齣閣
75 / 二祭祀——國之大事
193 /結語
1 / Address
1 / Xie Yaoting
Director of Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology
3 / Shi Jinming
Director of Shanxi Museum
5 / Guo Xiaoling
Director of Capital Museum 9 / Interpret the State of Ba Xie Yaoting 27 / Preface
31/ Marriage: Consolidate the relationship between Two Families
34 / Discovery of State of Ba 56 / Long Distance Marriage
75 / Sacrif icial Ceremony: Important Event of the State
115 / Funeral Ceremony: Honoring the Dead as the Living
155 / The Banquet Ceremony: Social Order Reflected in the Ritual Behaviors
193 / Epilogue
首都博物館以優秀的團隊、良好的社會服務和得天獨厚的區位優勢位居業界翹楚,山西 省臨汾市翼城縣大河口霸國墓地的重要齣土文物能夠在首都博物館與公眾見麵,是一件非常 榮幸的事情,我謹代錶山西省考古研究所對這次展覽的成功舉辦錶示衷心的祝賀!
西周時期周王朝分封瞭很多諸侯國,燕國、晉國、齊國、魯國等大國見於文獻記載,還 有很多小國不見於記載,像近年在晉南地區發現的絳縣橫水的棚國和本次展覽的翼城縣大河 口的霸國就屬於後者,特彆重要的是在大河口墓地1號大墓中發現瞭多件燕侯旨的青銅器, 其中的銘文說明燕國和霸國之間可能存在聯姻關係,燕國與霸國之間的這種交往關係為本次 展覽的成功舉辦提供瞭曆史的契機。通過霸國墓地齣土的文物我們還可以看齣,這個小國曾 經強盛一時,它與周王室和其他諸侯國存在著韆絲萬縷的聯係,它的發現對於研究西周時期 的曆史文化具有重要的意義。
Xie Yaoting Director of Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology
As one of the top museums, Capital Museum in Beijing is famous for her good team work, excellent social services and unique geological advantages. It is a great opportunity for people living in Beijing to appreciate the treasures discovered in the Dahekou tomb complex in Yicheng County of Shanxi Province. On behalf of the Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the successful exhibition held in Capital Museum.
In the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were many vassals enfeoffed by Zhou court, for example, the States ofYan, Ji, Qi and Lu. Those were the vassal-states recorded in the historical documents. Nevertheless, a number of small states could never be found in the Chinese classical literatures. I can take two examples in Shanxi, one is the State of Peng discovered in Jiang County and the other is the State of Ba. I must note that some bronze vessels belonged to Zhi, the vassal ofYan (of what is now Beijing), were found in Dahekou tomb complex. Furthermore, the inscriptions on the bronze vessels implied that some marital relationships between Ba and Yan probably existed. Thanks to the ancient marriage system, there are more reasons for the partnership between Shanxi Provincial Archaeological Institution and Capital Museum. By the way, despite of its small territory, the State of Ba had been prosperously developed in the past, which provided a channel for other large vassal states and Zhou court through diverse dialogues. We could get more information about Zhou Dynasty from the treasures of Ba.
I hope this exhibition a great success, and I believe it can bring a wonderful cultural enjoyment to people from all
walks of life.
山西博物院院長 石金鳴
山西是煤炭資源大省,長期以來為國民輸送瞭無數的光明與溫暖;山西是文化遺産大省, 百萬年積澱為我們留下瞭諸多曆史建築和文物珍品。山西現存452處不可移動國寶,是國傢 級重點文物保護單位最多的省份;山西博物院的“晉魂”基本陳列,薈萃瞭近百年來田野考 古的重要發現與研究成果,是公眾瞭解山西地域曆史文化的重要窗口。即將與大傢見麵的《呦 呦鹿鳴——燕國公主眼裏的霸國》特彆展覽,就是山西“晉魂”係列展示的最新考古發現與 研究成果。
汗牛充棟的史書往往隻是曆史冰山的一角,更多的文化碎片隱沒在漫漫黃土中。考古學傢 對考古調查、考古發掘的遺物、遺跡,以及它們的相互關聯都有著濃厚的興趣,以此來分析、 探索遺物本身的信息,解釋某一重要曆史事件發生的過程。大河口西周墓地的發現錶明,田野 考古再一次發揮瞭它“正經補史”的重要作用,一個史書闕載的古國——霸國逐漸被世人所知。 豐富的齣土資料展示瞭霸國獨具特色的文化,為揭幵有關霸國的一係列謎團提供瞭重要綫索。
《呦呦鹿鳴——燕國公主眼裏的霸國》,以山西省考古研究所主持的大河口墓地發掘和 初步研究成果為基礎材料,為公眾展示瞭西周早期霸國的重要考古成果,並以霸伯隨葬提梁 卣的銘文:“燕侯旨作姑妹寶尊彝”寥寥九言為素材,講述瞭霸國與燕國間一段浪漫動人的 聯姻故事。美麗的燕國公主,即召公奭的女兒、燕侯剋的妹妹、燕侯旨的小姑姑,遠嫁韆裏 之外的霸伯。燕侯旨為他的小姑姑精心製作瞭成套的青銅器陪嫁賀禮。文獻中不曾見燕國與 霸國政治外交關係的記載,公主的夫君也不知何故未到五十而英年早逝。孤寂淒楚的長夜燈 影相思淚,隻好留給文學愛好者去續寫瞭。
首都博物館以其宏大的建築、豐富的展覽、先進的設施、完善的功能,早巳躋身於國內 一流。國際先進的博物館行列。北京市文物局和首都博物館確定並策劃瞭此次特展,實現瞭 山西古代文明展走進首都博物館的多年夙願。感謝以首都博物館為主的展覽課題組人員,他 們為展覽付齣瞭諸多辛勞與智慧。預祝展覽取得成功,相信此次展覽會得到愛好曆史與文化
Shi Jinming Director of Shanxi Museum
As is well known, Shanxi is one of the largest coal producing provinces, which bring light and heat for many Chinese people. At the same time, Shanxi is also famous for its cultural heritage, including numerous historic buildings and cultural relics. There are 452 immovable heritages in Shanxi and the most national key cultural relic protection units among Chinese provinces. The permanent exhibition of Shanxi Museum displays the important archaeological discoveries and scholarship and is also the key window of the history and culture in Shanxi for visitors. The forthcoming special exhibition is just the one section of this permanent exhibition according to the latest archaeological discovery of the State of Ba in Shanxi.
The ancient history records, despite of their large amount, is always like the tip of the iceberg. And the excavated objects contain the supplement of the lost information in those records. During the archaeological investigation and excavation, the archaeologists deal with mass information, such as data of the cultural relics, ruins and the relationships between them. By means of the information, archaeologists can explain some events in the history. The discovery of Dahekou tomb sites of the Western Zhou Dynasty exactly suggests the important role of archaeology on recognition of the past. Because of this archaeological excavation, the State of Ba, which is never referred in historical records, is gradually known by people. The rich objects unearthed from the sites present a unique culture of the State of Ba and provide more useful clues to the unknown history of the State of Ba.
The exhibition Harmonious Life: The State of Ba in the Eyes of a Yan Princess reflects the research result of the archaeological excavation of Dahekou tomb sites under Shanxi Provincial Institute of
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